Why is the HC gear so bad?

Woud be surprised if this was backed up with any data, do you have a sim?

This is normal when you are still in greens with no enchants and no gems. It was the case with Shadowlands and Dragonflight too, where we would need at least another player and use kiting/cc to clear any non-solo world quest.

The fact that at 500+ ilvl we are soloing dream-infused bosses of 15 million health without playing around their mechanics but treating them as target dummies is the wrong game design, not the proper one.

This is one of the major problems with the world design and the current playerbase. A lot of you think that overworld should be mindless and fall down with autoattacks. That’s not how you make the game interesting; on the other hand that’s how you make it a chore and something that appears more as a time-waster than an actual game.

How is that an excuse for crap scaling?

Personally the whole gearing thing to me is the most boring thing in wow and i really wish they would had gone more GW2 way over decade ago so i could actually have fun playing my character instead of going through the hamster wheel in every single patch/expansion.

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Stop playing BM, its dogsh*t atm.

Yes, the pets are squishy even with ‘no hard feelings’, but spec into MM and you can kill an almost unlimited amount of mobs before it dies (well sometimes it dies anyways, but so does everything else).

There is no way 4P T4 528 is better than 4 random 593 pieces, there is a ton more agility on those. It doesnt matter anyways, as 4p doesnt work on lvl 80 after wednesdays reset.

A more pressing gear matter are necks tbh. a 528 3 socket neck with mastery embellishment is fairly hard to replace, atm unless you are lucky to get a non-vers 571+ neck with a socket.

But it’s not? I mean, doubeling your Mainstat which is LITTERALY 100% damage increase to all your Abilities is 100000x better then one ability having a 20% Damage increase.

Or am i tweaking for believing that?

It’s a terrible idea tbh. Why not just have loot up to 15 or 20. That way there’s an appropriate level for everyone even the super casuals.

I dont think this is true anymore.
S4 tier sets will be deactivated on wednesday and I doubt NHC dungeon gear will be enough to jump into M0 in september.

NHC dungeon to HC dungeon now is in difficulty like NHC dungeons to M0 dungeons before the adjustment was made.
And jumping from NHC dungeons directly to M0 now is like NHC to m+10 in the old difficulty system.

The change wasnt noticeable in S4 because we had far better gear from S3 and could easily jump straight into m+. This is not the case with the new expansion.

this is dumb hc Legit drops what M0 used to drop. the whole issue here is the edited by moderator overpowered old tier, what blizzard needs to do, is to make it legacy once an expansion starts. or when u hit max lvl cap, its that simple. the prog is just fine now

Exactly that is happening on Wednesday.
Tier sets will be deactivated for lvl 80 chars.

I don’t know about other classes but for warlock, the higher item level is a pretty significant increase over the low item level tier set. I don’t know if you’ve simmed your gear OP, but I’m finding it very hard to believe that a 60+ item level jump would not be an upgrade for you.

It is indeed true for some classes, but with the hotfix on Wednesday this issue will be solved.

What spec prefers a 528 tier set over a set of 590+ gear?

:smiley: mean arms - dk a couple of others, the ones that had % based buff on tiers is still super strong, but that is just coz last season gave us to good tiers, we cant rly complain to much about that can we ?:smiley:

Can’t give you the specific class/specs but ive read this several time and the hotfix and bluepost is confirmation enough in my book.

I think Enhancement shaman was brought up in another thread of a similar vein.

Well the change could very easily be intended to not encourage not replacing tier set with new higher ilvl gear which in itself would feel bad no matter how big the gap is.

Not trying to be mean, I’m just really curious and finding it difficult to imagine that the main stat upgrade of 60+ item levels doesn’t make up for a set bonus.

It depends on the effect of the set.

I remember there was a time during Legion when some retribution paladins went back to equip or temporarily equip a tier set from expansions before (I think from WoD) as wearing it gave them two charges of wings.

I’m not seeing the broken ilvl that is being discussed. My gear was from S3, you can inspect it. I replaced my crafted cloak with a quest reward, replaced my 489 + socket belt with a 506 quest reward, I replaced my 489 rings with 515 quest rewards, the ilvl formula is providing additional stats and the items are very clear upgrades.

Now could old trinkets/set bonuses be so good and scale so well that they are still worth using compared to the blue items? Yes, and while that is very unusual these days (Blizzard typically breaks them to prevent this), it has happened in the past, and it will fix itself with M0.

Which is how S3 was. Nicely balanced. Not too much grind to the top for the best players, while also a decent curve to progress for the more casual players. Only that every 2nd or 3rd level were kind of redundant.