Why is the HC gear so bad?

Meanwhile, I’m soloing rares on my tank and dps specs. What are you playing that you struggle to survive world content at 80?

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2 weeks for honor gear and m0 is a bit weird I agree.

maybe he is playing BM hunter ? that thing is completly broken / unplayable atm :smiley:

and regarding hc dungeons - i think people still dont realise that m0 will be huge huge wall for majority of players when it opens :slight_smile:


Maybe. And I’m sad about BM. It’s the only ranged spec I really enjoy playing.

that I am when i no longer got scaled things went to crap real quick I knew it would be bad but not this freaking bad

Yeah, a lot of people are going to be in for a very rude awakening… first time we went throught the dungeons on hc we were already taking note of which casts really hurt and should probably be kicked or hard CCed, which groups we “probably” shouldn´t be pulling together, and which groups we´ll preferably avoid completely. Unfortunately most people don´t have that luxury but get rushed thourgh N/HC so fast that they´re lucky if they can even remember the route 10 minutes later, much less what FUITA-Mob 3 in group 7 does if you allow him to finish his cast.

Woe be Joe Casual who didn´t get the memo about the Mythic scaling changes and gets saddled with a 560 Batman who thinks he can still pull everything but tank nothing and doesn’t use SoS, and then blames the rest of the group for his own incompetence when he tries to pull everything onto the first boss but gets smacked back to Marduum by the second group because nobody was in range to cc anything. Gonna be a hilarious DungDisplay, we´ll have so much whine to drink that Blizzard might want to open a cheese-factory in mainland Europe :rofl:

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