Why is the world so empty?

Hey, I am quite new to WoW. Not new-new, but this is my first character (and probably the last, since I don’t like experiencing games from different point of views), but you can say I am new-new I guess.

Have finished all Kalimdor zones, without the 2 for level 80+, and I am at the moment around 50% done with Eastern Kingdoms, but the world is empty. Like really empty.

I see like 2-3 people on every zone. Is the server fault?

Been also in queue for the Halls of Reflection dungeon for weeeeeks and don’t get anything. Thankfully I found on the forums a way to stop gaining xp so I can still queue for that dungeon, since it only is till level 80 available. At least that’s the last onr I have not finished from the ones that are locked to up to level 80.

Not to say that I am in queue for those 2 battlegrounds: Alterac and some other one, from nearly the beginning of the game, and I got nothing.

What is going on? :o To be honest, I don’t mind that much the world being empty, since I am more of a singleplayer gamer, but the fact that I have to wait till my beard is white to get to finish this 1 dungeon and those 2 battlegrounds really make me wonder.

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Everyone hurry to get to the current endgame, so you might find really just a few people doing the old content.

The servers/realms are now all linked because of the sharding system, except RP servers, you would meet more players there in every place from my experience. Anyway if you are on a low populated server your shard can still have much less players than those of a bigger one.

I am not sure about how the system goes for BGs, but I think that you cannot join Mythic (Mythic+ for Dungeons) Raids from different realms? Ranked PVP is most likely the same, but please do not take this as a fact.


ur alliance. 70% of game is horde

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Since you paused your exp gain , you are now matched in que ONLY with people who done the same aka paused the exp gain.

Thats why you face long que times.
Activision killed twinks by removing them from general playerbase.

I suggest you ignore everything else till you ding 120.
Then you can go back to the low level dungeons you want to experience and run them solo.

People mostly rush 120 to play endgame.

TL;DR : Go back to the NPC and UNPAUSE the xp gain so you can have normal que times .


Oh, I forgot about the anti-twink steps.

You are new and looks like you are about 2 expacs behind. Everyone is in BFA. You may see more people once you hit the Legion zones but once you hit 110, just start the quests to get to 120 so you can play with everyone.

I also suggest you join a social and/or leveling guild where you can do things with others and have a group to do things with.

There are forums on here where you can see which guilds are recruiting or post in the top forum to make friends.


They are, because the devs decided they want everybody looking at the same patch at the same time, and so removed all reason to be anywhere else, or at any level other than 120. It takes maybe 60-120 hours of playtime to get a character up to level 120, so that’s usually done in a few weeks (days, for experienced people in a hurry), and an expansion lasts two years, so well over 90% of people are playing at level 120.

As Jurgenhan says, you will see many more people when you get above level 110 and start in Kul Tiras.

This is true BUT then you can’t safely quest normally, because you will be in danger of gaining XP, putting you over the limit for the dungeon.

However, even if that happens, you can still go back and do it solo once you get to a higher enough level - I’d say 91 should do it. Maybe less, if the old Heroic scaling is as I remember it.

Are you online now? I can log one of my high-;evel Alliance chars and run you through.

P.S. Guess you’re not. Very sensible! Well, if you ever want a Guided Tour of the ICC dungeons and even ICC itself, reply and I will be happy to arrange one. :slight_smile:


That is very true, there is also actually zero reasons to play the content on-level (talking about “legacy” content, frankly Legion is not legacy until next exp)

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Yeah. To be fair, it started long ago, in late Wrath, I think, but once they got into the business of selling boosts, they couldn’t really do that with a straight face while leaving reasons to play below the most recent expansion.

Beyond that, I reall think they believe that the game is best served if almost everyone is focusing on the same raid, same dungeons, at any given moment. Keeps the queues greased.

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many players dont like this game anymore and stoped to play

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♪ Sharding and low subscriber couuunts

I just saw a post appear then disappear in a second, how odd.

Anyway, get to 11 levels above the dungeon then solo it.

Also most players don’t play at 1am in the morning.

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Doesn’t that work for PVP only? as he is trying to get into the last dungeon he needs for wotlk complete. Never heard of different ques for dungeons for locked players.

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I’ve been leveling this alt today and out of 10 people I’ve seen 9 were all DH’s, with just 1 poor mage tagging mobs in Azsuna.

Dunno what’s the deal but yeah, Legion zones seem active.

People don’t go to old zones. There’s no point.

plus, be glad you’re the only one there. Often times when i’m leveling up, somebody’s hunting down low levels and spawn camping them.

You’ll see people more in your capital city or new zones.

55/45 H/A
but Nice try.


Level 80 happened 10 years ago, you’re a bit late.

Are you using the Warmode feature?
( currently, it will give 30% exp buff for your character)
If not, then majority of the player base might be using that system to lvl faster. That might also be one of the reasons you don’t see anyone as well.

Also, you are in turalyon server, not many are there in that server. So, either you switch to Argent Dawn server ( lots of Ally players are there) or level up quickly to reach the end game.

And don’t forget Gold shire in Argent dawn, non warmode. :slight_smile:

Get to lvl 120 and you will see plenty of people.

If you are on RP server, the world is quite full :slight_smile: Otherwise there is nothing which you can get from old world expect things you already have.