Why is the world so empty?

Your source please.


Sorry, but i do not beleive you. Even with the current state of the game, dungeon queues are like 15 min or so. Halls of reflection are HC only, if i’m not mistaken, so you should problaby start your own group for it.

The fact that you, since the beginning of the game, havent gotten into Altetac is just weird…

Indeed. Be glad you did not get into a bg with this active, the twinks would have traumatized you for life lol.

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Would love to, if you still want to help me clear it out.

The reason why I am doing this and not storming to max level, as people say I should, is because that is not the reason why I play video games. Why is the content there in the first place, if all that’s fun is at the end? I play games to experience them as they are supposed to be experienced, fully, from 0 to 100. Not gonna skip content because people play the game for the end game level, but was just wondering why it is so… lonely xD, but now it makes sense.

Also I do have warmode active, since I like fighting people, and, to the one who said he does not believe me that I am in que for Alterac… I started the queue to Alterac the level when I got acces to it and appeared in the battlegrounds list. I want to play each one of them, and win each one of them.

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There are a lot of levels to get to max, the process for levelling has been speeded up over time, especially as more and more expansions are added. Over time they’ve also increased the amount you can level in the zones to give people more choice.

The old zones system made you move on more and even then you would rarely cover every zone or be able to stay to complete it unless you were happy to stop gaining xp for doing them.


Expansions/Areas roughly fit into these categories now:-

  • Starting areas: 1-20
  • Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms: 10-60
  • Outland and Northrend: 58-80
  • Cataclysm and Pandaria: 80-90
  • Warlords: 90-100
  • Legion: 98-110
  • Battle for Azeroth: 110-120

Due to scaling you can stay in a zone from start to finish and see the whole zone storyline. Yoiu can also do things out of order. The zones do have their own flow that takes you from one zone to the next or the notice boards wills end you here there everywhere. As people can level anywhere (or have far more choice now) you may find that they aren’t in the same parts of the world as you are. However the bulk of the player base is in the end game.

The Alliance have a larger War Mode bonus most of the time and it’s at the maximum 30% atm, this means a 30% levelling XP bonus. I’m not sure if you are in WM on or off. The Horde get a static 10% as we are never the minority. Most will utilise the bonus to make levelling faster so that can account for why it seems a bit emptier if you aren’t in War Mode.

Someone levelling now is never going to get the same experience as someone who did that expansion when it was current. There aren’t as many new players around and many will use their boost to get to end game and level later. There is a lot of new stuff out at the moment so people have been working on the new reps, exploring the new zones and getting flying unlocked etc.

There is no way for an experience player to get that first time levelling feeling back. So I really hope you enjoy your journey. Do it whatever way you want and don’t listen to others about rushing.


Wow, thank you for the awesome answer. ^^

I appreciate it, will, as you said, not rush. Am planning, as in any game, to finish every zone n stuff.

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I used to be twink and it was great.
It was great because you had to farm your character’s BiS items , then enchant & gem them which was pretty time consuming.

I’ve been in battlegrounds mixed with twinks & non twinks and it was great as well even back in the days where i had no idea what ‘twink’ is

Those heavy losses made me search more on how i can become one of them as well , it didnt stop me or make me quit the low level PvP.

But since Activision catter casual & crybabies , makes sense they killed it.

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This game isn’t about a journey, instead it’s a rush to max level, so there aren’t many low levels going around anymore. Otherwise, XPoff players are placed in a seperate queue - meaning that they won’t be placed in the same queue as XPon players.

I’ll be honest with you, if you want to see a thriving World, wait till the 27th, when Classic WoW releases.

We’d have been gentle with him …… ish.

OK I fibbed ……

AV rarely pops below max level, there used to be a weekly AV Day the 20 - 29 twink community organised, but that all but died.

With your XP Off you have pretty much zero chance of getting a 10v10 BG to pop let alone an Epic BG that requires 80 players.

Good Luck on your journey to 120 :slight_smile:

  1. Most people are leveling their characters by doing only dungeons
  2. Some people level up just by doing Random BGs because its fast and extremely fun
  3. Many people are waiting for Classic now and they don’t want to level up now because they will have to do this again very soon

Umm no. Play alliance for a week i dare you .

thats because blizz and some players concider any content older than the current expansion irrelevant content. If you are new, try classic when it hits in a month. the world in general will be used way more

And stand a chance to end up in a group with you…no thanks.

Honey stop trolling . My free day is expiring in a few hours,so you won’t meet me. You wont play alliance because theres less groups for everything by a factor of 5 or more. “muh 55v45” is more like your denial based on a static percentage not real gameplay or activity

Lol…yea right. Only troll here is you. If you are serious about your game time though, the Alliance already looks a bit more appealing.

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Yeah, sure. I whisped you last night, and again just now, but you weren’t on. I’ll try again later, or you can post your BattleTag and I’ll add you. I’m not on much these days, so it’ll probably take a long time to meet by coincidence.

I also see from your armoury you have a 110. Did you know that if you just want to see lower level dungeons and raids you can just walk in on your 110 and solo the place?

Maybe it’s because you are playing on a very low pop server OP. Ever thought about that? i always see that realm be in massive low pop.

Got that gear from the beginning of Vashjir or how that zone is called, then returned to finish Eastern Kingdoms.

Battle net is Ciocolici#2309
or steamcommunity id ciocodaniel (Ciocolici as Steam name)

On Steam you will always find me, I also play everything from there, so it is even better since I can shift+tab in WoW too to answer you.

Despite what you may read on here the basic reason is because a mere month or so after the launch of 8.2 the game is basically deader than its ever been.