Why is the world so empty?

I have been spending time working through the old content to grind up my number of exalted reps and try and finish off the loremaster and exploration achievements on my main.

There seems to be a fairly healthy population of folk levelling through as well as folk doing the same dailies I am - especially in Pandaria

So I don’t think you could say that the old zones were ‘dead’ - people are still enjoying the content.

You see more bots in the older sones camping specific kill sites or mining / herb zones - but that’s there in the new content as well - just more noticeable in the older content

You know, I am trying to finish every zone too witch I havent done yet but you might consider to take you rogue to 120 with one zone at the time in each expansion.

You have plenty to do once you get to max level on your rogue

If you want to experience more of the game and zones you can always make an alt and do other zones and experience a new class, you might even like that class more and reroll if you find it more fun to play with

grow up, more ppl in your shard - less fps

I don’t have a Steam account. Sent. I’ll be around again this evening, after 7 I guess. Type your expected ETA to me in the launcher and I’ll try to organise it. :slight_smile:

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who the **** still wants to go tho low leveling old content for the umpteen time (oh right. Nevermind i forgot. The usual altaholics only ofcourse) You people are literally so insane to me. That i really will never ever understand why you like leveling tho old low leveling content for the 100th time. And still enjoy that.

There’s people like me, new, who want to experiece the game as it is, as a whole, and I am sure there is also people who did not finish all the zones yet, and wanna go back.

She said she did not finish them yet, and you ask why would she want to do them if she already did them lots of times.

Somrthing is wrong with you.

Btw: you can finish a game 10 times and still enjoy it, so I am sure same goes for WoW zones as well.


Yeah like no **** captain obvious. I already know this, i’ve gotten similar replies before many times ago. I simply do not understand why there is these types of players.

I know what you mean. I feel same about pygmy hippos.


I can ensure you that there are plenty of players that wants to do old content even if it’s just to get the achiement or play the whole storyline with their alts

Then there are those who don’t care about anything else than farming the same content over and over again and comparing item levels like it was their extended p*nis

Not necessarily hurrying to end game. Most people at this point have been playing WoW for a long time so they have no need to level at the very low end of the game expect if there’s a must have allied race and dungeons are the preferred method.

This is kinda what I had in mind, there aren’t so many new players and most of us have seen the zones quite a few times.

It wasn’t a criticism or anything, just an observation.

Do not listen to anyone what saying things like people are at the end game content. No game is pretty much dead even at max level. Game in BFA took hit with playerbase dwindled below 1M active users. And with number of realms, low pop on ali side and 15y of content where players are spread thin you barely get to see other players. Even current 8.2 new zones got pretty empty. Wait for classic if you want experience proper mmorpg experience with lot of people playing.


Source please.

I see people here and there. Went to strangelthorn, saw both alliance and horde players, even had some pvp action going on.
The world is very big and some areas just seems less populated for whatever reason. Sometimes I felt there were too many players doing the same quest.
But yeah, the majority of players are in endgame or high content.
New players servers have more lowbies and hence a little more activity in those areas.

They are sharded so all new players no matter the server should be brought together.

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