Why is WoW too complicated for new players nowdays

I didn’t say anything about you IRL at all. I don’t know you and I didn’t know you had a handicap. Of course there is no problem with a feature that helps the disabled - I should know, I had a spec made unplayable due to epilepsy.

The problems come in when the amount of downloads is so high that “it is for the disabled” simply cannot apply unless a very very large percentage of players are disabled. To imply that is to be elitist because the only way for it to be true is to call the average person disabled.

shows you didnt read the whole thing and completely took it out of context and made slanderous comments about me about a great deal many things in this thread.

Slander? You do realise that’s a criminal charge, right? And you also realise that it implies maliciously sending out false messages about your character to a wide audience in order to ruin your life?

Feels like you’re ready to drag me to court or something, or worse. This is absolutely wild. I have never experienced such hostility in any forum I have ever been on. I’m genuinely starting to get a little scared here. I wish I was joking.

I don’t think people are picking up that addon to learn, by the way. They’re picking it up because they don’t want to learn because they consider it unimportant and annoying busywork and they want to focus elsewhere. It was never about handicaps, which is exactly what I said, it was always about people not wanting to bother with that complexity. It is the only way to interpret those downloads in a non-elitist way.

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Which you have done in your last 3 post i ask you to stop it now before i do take it up with blizzard in tickets.

Accusing me of stalking
Accusing me of eltish
Defamation of my character

You have accused me of a great dael of things and think its ok to get away with it, well i am sorry you have been rude one time many times.
How can a cripple like me “come after you irl” you are very rude to suggest that and now playing the innocent act.
Do not respond thanks.

What do you mean? You’ve literally flamed me every time you’ve seen me for almost a month. I just… what?

Also, following me from thread to thread isn’t the same as stalking! It is very disconcerting though. Like if you could just respectfully disagree that would be real swell.

I also genuinely wish I knew how to ignore someone whose profile is hidden. That would make this a lot easier for me.

More slander , i have been offline in hopsital for the last 3 months and had no sub or will to post.

Like i said hardly anyone post or hardly any threads people bound to be in same place. So even more defamation of my charater.

Use the search feature and its really distasteful to play innocent and victim act when you have done nothing but be rude to me and others all over the forum.
I asked you 4 times to leave me alone and you didnt.

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… yeah that doesn’t sound right at all. I’ve seen you many times.

Thanks for the tip though. I thought I couldn’t due to not knowing your realm, but it actually searches. Nice.

Been back a week so yet again even more defamtion and i have asked you to repeatly stop now and you keep pushing please stop slandering me i beg you as its getting very stressful now.

Slandering? Defamation?. Dude lmfao, we arw a bunch of strangers on rhe internet with no real life details about any one of us. How could someone possibly slander or defame a person they dont know.

I think the word ur looking for is “accused” and “offended” :joy::joy:

No wonder ur stressed if ur putting this much weight on a argument across the internet. 50% of the worlds population require aid with their vision, that is really common and no hekilli is not built on behalf of those players.

Anyone and litterally anyone could do a correct rotation on a dummy, u dont need hekilli for that, hekilli is used because a large % of players struggle with dokng both a rotation while doing mechanics, and avoiding damsgd in a active fight in high level end game (m+ / raiding)

Hekilli is a way to relieve the pressure of having to learn both, and while isnt optimal for max dps will perform average.

Im glad if u have found hekilli to aid u witg ur disabilities, however to pressume its built for only 1 catsgory of audience is wrong

And before u say “its easy for me to comment blahblah” i have vascular dementia brought on by chronic varous insuffiency in my legs. I dont use hekilli but i also dont play a class which brings the mechsnical difficulty to require it alike some bloated options thst exist in this game

If i played some choices such as arcane mage id severely struggle.

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Rotation feels like it’s being made for making it exciting to attack target dummies, but once you get beyond that and add all the other stuff a lot of people just nope out. Clearly a large amount of them find Hekili and other addons, but I think a far greater percentage just quit due to finding it too stressful. Straight up. Like they just leave. I have at least 7 friends IRL at this point who has left over that, never mind all the people I know in game.

EDIT: Also people who need ordinary prescription glasses are obviously not disabled. :joy: like idk

Same sadly. Or done the same as me.

Theres a reason why classes alike hunter have remained the most popular classes in the game consistently from vanilla while we see these “highlt demanded complex speccs,” go widely unplayed.

True :joy::joy: but he brought up poor eyesight while being able to actively partake in a conversation and play WoW which makes me unsure to exactly how poor his eye sight is.

If u were to a point of obly seeing blurrs even with visual aids itd be impossible to read.

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all classes have too few buttons in rotations actually, classes usually have 4 buttons in combat rotation…

we have talents choice
all that blizzard has to do is to put a note that passive updates at the beginning will add more dps for them than active buttons anyway,

because here is no point for a newbie to search best talents and play with something they don’t use. These are talents not mandatory, you have time to learn so soon you will be able to play better.

And there’s a reason I chose frost over arcane. I actually tried arcane and it was just… yeah, absolutely not. Nope nope nope. :smiling_face_with_tear:

??? Not even hunters this short in rotation.

Unless ur seriously putting forward the concept of playing a sub optimal build, which you know for a mythic raider of a m+20 participate isnt really a strong option

I tried to play arcane. I remmebered playing it in MoP. But my brain physically cant handle it, i forgot what the spells did by the time i had even tried to get it right first time.

I mean dont get me wrong, WoWs prolly not developed with someone in my condition in mind but still :joy::joy: i dont normally struggle that hard.

funny cuz I had friends that usually played moba and left in legion cuz they were too bored with design, they made fun of rpg game having less skills in combat that moba game has

Id love to know what moba has ever had more abilities then WoW are you seriously trying to put forward classes dropped to under 5 abilities total?

Also legion sure i can agree likely went abit too far in pruning. But they increased the pool size 10 fold.

Also funny how Legion was dramatically more popular then DF?.. Lol.

Your jumping from one extreme to another. I never said every specc in the gsme needs pruningm i said there are SOME speccs that went too far.

If ur friends opinons are so popular.

Explain why BM even being a sub optimal choice in current meta is still the most popular class in the gsme.

you can’t say a spell with longer than 30 secs cd is rotational, also as I already said if something overwhelms you take passives, as people before noticed, If you are fresh and bad at game enough to be overwhelmed by 5 combat skills, you won’t be at difficulty that needs more complicated builds anyway, at least not at the time. When i was young and couldn’t play this game properly, i was happy at least this game had much skills cuz I liked it ( in MOP, I was like 11 ) but i never pushed myself on high end content or i forced anyone to make it up for me… I just learned how to play eventually and this is way to go

MoP and Legion arcane was easy. Well, relatively speaking. You wouldn’t believe what arcane is like now. It’s got 5 different phases and variants on AoE and further variants depending on mob haste levels and whether there’s an evoker and whether you’re using lust or double lust or no lust.

It got such an insanely negative reception that the guide writers decided to simplify the guides, removing the notion of mini-burn and other things from the guides in order to deceptively make it look easier.

But even then you have things you need to do 12 seconds before pull and tons of different transition phases and mana checks and proc checks and arcane harmony stacks and so on. It’s outrageous now.

Of course you can.

Frozen Orb and Comet Storm and Cone of Cold and Ray are definitely rotational.

Im not lol. But hunter hasnt got any 30 second or longer rotational abilities, as we have innate ability to reduce CDs with other abilities lol.

Wildfire bomb
Mongoose bite
Kill shot.
Serpent sting
Kill command
Fury of the eagle.

Are all not massive CDs regularly used and consistently apart of the rotation.

Outlaw rogues abilities all drop under 30seconds also.

Also, to stack here.

The answer to ur question is situational.

If it takes 10 seconds to complete ur rotation then obviously 30seconds or more CDs arent exactly rotational.

However if ur class has a longer rotation where its very GCD locked, u may find urself actually using that 30 sec CD on continois loop which means its apart of each rotation u do.

Dont need to tell me, i tried it in 4 m+ keys and yeah i found the experience nothing but stress inducing

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Legion had amazing story and people waited for return of legion, a lot of content was released in fast pace and people had much to do, through many people cried about state of classes and people were getting bored with design. its like you’d say pvp was better in legion and thats why it had more people playing, no.
bfa was cut in content it made lots of people quit.
shadowlads was cut in content and seasons lasted way too long and it made another tons of people quit, not so much people came back for df because narrative of story is not that interesting. here wasnt even much hype for new cinematic introducing df