Why Make Dragonriding The Default

So game was fine last night,forward 24hrs to prepatch cant fly,i dont want dragonriding just normal flying,yet you clowns insist on forcing content in order to get it back to how it was,ill do content in the order that I want to do it not directed like a sheep, WHY CHANGE SOMETHING that was not broke in the first place, sick to death of your prepatches.FLYING IS BROKEN CAN WE HAVE A BLUE TO FIX THIS DAMN PROBLEM.


Dragonriding is the future of flying, I’m surprised they didn’t remove the old flying.

But you should thank to them for allowing you to still use it.

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I dont want it ,should not be forced into it,its bloody nonsense should be an option not mandatory.


Well you can just change to old flying, from the menu that has your mounts list

cant it wont let me ,no tab,seems your forced into doing dragonflight content just to get it back,a stupid system that was not broke in the first place.

That’s not how it works

Just Switch back to old flying by pressing the button lmao
Also you ain’t replacing something just because its broken, sometime you just gotta update outdated things

Just changing things for the sake of changing things,stupidity at its best.

because it is more “engaging” and requires more button presses

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there is no option to change to anything ,there is no tab on the mount section or in the spell book.

Isn’t it the whole point of a video game in the first place tho…?
Like making things for the fun of it?

depends if you like that sort of stuff.

I mean wether you like it or not, they kept the old flying ans yes there is indeed a button to switch inbetween new and old

Should be a button at the top mid-right section of the mount tab (from what ive seen on screenshots, i havent been able to check for myself as i am waiting for them to patch the patch), Also from what ive seen here on forums with other people having simulare issues of not being able to click the button to toggle between static (old) and dragonriding (new) flying, it could be addons preventing you from using or even seeing the button, default everything and disable addons and check if the button is there. If not then wait for them to fix this mess of a prepatch.

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Not on my mount section there aint,you cant alternate between dragon and normal,only tab there is,is favourite mount tab.

First World Problems at it’s finest!

cheers agree,there is nothing to even let you choose,just favourite mount tab,this flying thing is a mess.

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p-general-skyriding-switch style

Cant have no tab to give me the option.