Why no cross-faction in random dungeon?

Wanted to level a toon from 50 to 60 doing shadowland dungeons with a friend of mine but found out we can’t queue if we’re different factions! What’s the deal with that?


I don’t know.
It was just another one of Blizz
arbitrary stupid ideas to exclude it from casual content because of a non existent reason.


That’s what I feel. I think they set up these abstract rules without really thinking about how they impact gameplay. Better gameplay should trump abstract reasons for arbitrary restrictions.


As far as im aware they said it requires alot of coding to be changed so they werent able to do it all at once.

Cross faction guilds and open world grouping however has been stated to come in DF. Which would likely include RDF.

Also if they can fix the loot issue, if u leave the dungeon and someone asks for loot. U lose the ability to trade, even if you remain in the same group.

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For the small sum of £19 on of you can faction change. Go halfers or something.

Blizzard needs to stop asap now with their stupid idiotic faction transfer incentives. They think, that they’re smarter than they are, but in the end, it’s just some stupid wannabe business/marketing decision maker killing their game

If anything theyre ending them?

Cross faction groups enabled. Cross faction AH

Df launch bringing cross faction open world where horde and alliance both can earn rewards from mobs together.

Later into DF cross faction guilds and RDF.

Im unsure what u mean incentivizing transfers.

We are talking changing 2 decades of coding, this will take time to do.

I though they also said 16/20 raid members have to be from the same faction to be able to get guild achievements.
Not really?

how would you know whose on which team ?

as far as i know the only way right now is seeing the player race… to know they are alliance or horde no ?

they could make it so when you join a RBG ur char automatically equips a team coloured tabard or something.

Guild achievements have nothing to do with cross-faction.

Well it currently isnt in the game. So yeah currently it doesnt work.

How can you make a feature cross-faction but only make 40% off it function.

Well id say the completion of the raid, the achievement mount and the loot make up more then 40% of it.

Guild achievements are just the 1%. Haha

Well, guild achievements also provide transmog options and mounts. For example the dark purple phoenix thingy. It’s a prety big deal imo…

Again, you talked about guild achievements. What relation has your question or cross-faction with guild achievements?

Somebody talked about cross-faction guilds, I added onto that conversation.
What are you implying here?

That the topic of guild achievements is irrelevant when talking about cross-faction guilds. Guild achievements require 16/20 players from the same guild, so if there is cross-faction or not if there are 16 players off the same guild the guild will earn the achievement. It won’t change how it works with or without cross-faction guilds.

And that is where you aren’t correctly informed.
As I tried to make clear earlier.
UNLESS ofcourse it got changed, my info is about one month old.

What are you talking about, guild achievements require a minimum number of player of the same guild. If there are that number of members in the kill it counts, that is how it has worked since it was added in Cataclysm. It has nothing to do with factions.

I guess the interviews with Ion mean nothing then.
Guild achievements sometimes are also faction bound fyi.

Imagine just accepting the possibility somebody could be correct, Wow. You are so aggresive…
Good day to you.