Why no dracthyr monk?

Seriously why ? Is this an animation thing ? Feels like blizz is refusing to give monk to certain races for no reasons all over again, like they did with goblin and worgen for years. I understand that they don’t want to create new assets with classes like pally or druid, or the lore reasons for DK, but there is 0 reasons to not let us roll a dracthyr monk if we want to.


Why Drakthirs to begin with ?

Its an easy solution to fix that ugly race … :smiley:


True, it had so much potential but what we got are smol lizzard bois.

When I first saw the first trailer of Drakthyrs, I actually thought this was just some fan project and a joke. :confused:

Because monk with glide will be too effective in pizza delivery buisness


Monk doesnt make any sense for dracthyr.
Blizzard are doing the weird thing and having these dracthyr wake up from stasis having been these classes thousands of years ago.

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get in line bruv, paladins and druids were here first

it’s implied that non-evokers are picking these classes after some time from the awakening.
gameplay-wise with the same intro it would be a bit weird, i agree

Makes no sense. You are starting your journey on the forbidden reach. Waking up from a deep 15k year sleep. The philosophy or culture of monks paladins shamans etc didnt exist then.

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Their intro is on the ptr.
They wake up from stasis like the evokers, only these ones got woken up post dragonflight and arent evokers. They were priests and warriors etc that reported in to neltharian.
These classes arent new to them, its what they were in the past.


Tbh priests and warlocks doesnt make any sense either. I highly doubt they knew about light and im sure deathwing didnt told them about the void either. The demonic threat didnt exist back then,so how do they know about warlock stuff?

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I think priest makes sense.
They would have known about the light and the void. Its always been there. No reason for them to not have been making use of it.

Warlocks make half sense.
If you view warlocks as just dark magic users, then sure, we can say they learned to summon demons post awakening.
But if we are to believe they summoned anything other than voidwalkers… well, that breaks the timeline.

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Yeah maybe you are right.

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then it’s weird, yeah.
it would be far more logical for non-evokers to start in the forbidden reach post-DF as already awakened. like they’ve finished their training or something

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Dont get me wrong, warlock absolutely is a stretch and shouldnt be added.
Its one of those things you can kind of explain away, but it’s still awkward.

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I think they probably did it this way to justify why theyre not using their evoker powers any more.
It would be weird if they had all these magically abilities and just never used them ever again.

Honestly they should have just kept dracthyr as evoker only and then made it so they had visage forms of every race.
That way dracthyr is a pseudo class that all races have access to.


i mean, evokers are kinda elite among dracthyr, not every dracthyr is an evoker lore-wise

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Yeah but i thought the ones that arent evokers are the same just less skilled at it.
But hey, is what it is now.

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Lore wise they existed. It was even stated that only just a couple of dracthyrs were able to become evokers the others joined to wings that they could fit in. But like i said from my understanding only a couple of them makes sense. Like warrior,rogue,mage,hunter,maybe druid. For me priest is not justified. They were really isolated and deathwing probably hid his true nature from their creations. So priest is feels like it just got shoehorned in. At least for me.

Priest would be a good fit for a field medic type character.
A non evoker healing up the wounded to get them back in to the fight.

But why it has to be magic?:grinning: They are soldiers im pretty sure they had medics who knew biology and was not a light enjoyer. Also they still possess the power of the green and red df. Or at least some of them.

Because in wow all healers are magic :stuck_out_tongue:
Best you can do outside of that is bandages.
But with the light you can res people and stuff.

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