Why no dracthyr monk?

not really. all dracthyr can dabble into draconic essences, evokers just mastered all of them. so healers just used green or red essences, they wouldn’t need the light for that.

But then we are back to other classes being dumb for dracthyr because they all have magic dragon powers :stuck_out_tongue:

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Im pretty sure they know how to handle a wound even without magic. Also like i said even tho they are not evokers some of them still retained the powers of red and green df.

Still, if my options were surgery and 6 months of recovery, or a magic spell… id want the priest there.
And if all dracthyr have lesser evoker powers, they shouldnt get any other class in the first place.
Theyre just evokers and evokers who are bad at it XD

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the have some. they can dabble in the essence of some dragonflight as a supplement; they can spent years in training to master all of them, thus becoming an evoker.

but they also can do neither, and become a warrior or something. what you are saying is akin to “classes other than mage are dumb for elves because they all have inclination towards magic” :grinning:

upd: still, having no dragonflight powers at all gameplay-wise would be kinda silly, i agree

I disagree.
Thats what youre saying by saying that using something other than their dragon powers to heal isnt needed.
You cant have it both ways.
Either they look to other sources of power, or they dont.

Okay, let me paraphrase it.

If you need a dracthyr healer, you can send him to train and master inherent green or red essence, because it would be more effective than studying foreign concept of “light”.
If you need a dracthyr foot… wingman or spy, you don’t really need him to master any essence, you just need him to be fit and adequate with weapons/subterfuge. Draconic magic can be used, but is not integral in these cases.

I have no idea how warlocks fit in this paradigm, hunters and druids would fit far better, because they can be connected to draconic essences. But oh well

“Look at me. I’m Yu’lon now”

Yeah it would be weird for blizz to give us a playable race made up of people who just awoke from some sort of long sleep/stasis and have them be able to learn how to be a monk from the get go. They would certainly never do that.

crunches on gemstone.

Thats completely different as the lore for earthen is theyre all learning to fight for the first time.
Whereas with dracthyr they were already members of an army. Theyre not learning new stuff.

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And no one in that army thought that having the ability to kill someone with a touch could come in handy and that they could send a few volonteers to learn that ?

Monks didnt exist back when the dracthyr were created. And clearly the angle blizzard has taken with the new classes is that they were these classes originally.

In theory could a dracthyr go off and ignore their established skillset to learn another? Yeah.
Just like how theoretically a mechagnome could learn to be a druid.
But thats not what blizzard is doing.

Blizz is also really pushing for giving more freedoms to players when it comes to character creation, notably by allowing as many class/race combos as possible. This goes directly against that design goal. As I said, there is no reason to not allow it, they just decided that they wont allow it and worked backward to come up with a justification.

Except paladins, shamans, druids and most notably DH.

They already told us, that they only do it if it makes sense. And we already told you why they cant be just yet. You just don’t listen. What is the point of this thread then?

Because Earthens woke up from a long nappy too and they can be monks so that’s not an excuse.

Yes that one doesn’t make any sense either. At least for our character.

No classes make sense for earthen really.
Their intro bit says that most earthen werent programmed for combat.
The training that you see the horde and alliance give to the earthen on the beach is the justification for all of their classes really XD


But our character is not there cuz still sleeping. But I get your point.

The timeline is a bit off, but i believe that training is still ongoing as the raid hasnt taken place by that point in the story.
Or maybe the player earthen woke up before that point and it doesnt actually happen post campaign.
I dunno, the whole thing is weird. XD