Why no dracthyr monk?

Or woke up, did the training and falled back to sleep. What I think actually happened is that they didn’t think it through and went with it. At least they put a bit more effort into the dracthyr.

Well then it’s even sillier, Dracthyrs make more sense as monks than Earthens.

How so?

Just give up :smiley:

Not a bad suggestion. I might just do that haha

Well because as you said, Earthen just woke up and have no prior fighting experience since their memory was wiped. Dracthyrs are at least trained so they wouldn’t start for 0, hence they would make better monks that the average awakened Earthen.

Would be a peak pick for me. The racial knock back + glide as Monk would be epic

Said the orc…


My six-pack and epic thighs have something to say about that.

Not to mention massive biceps…

:rage: :kissing_heart:

I could see explanations for these. Undead priests were (at least originally) in lore shadow priests only, but for gameplay reasons they could be all specs. And as far as “telling” them, well they were his slaves (at least until his artifact broke). As for Warlocks, well if they simply experimented on the fundamental magics of the universe (light, void, life, death, order and chaos) well chaos is fel and they could probably eventually learn to summon demons from the Twisting Nether.

They don’t wanna do the hard work, so they make compromises instead:

Elemental Dragons - can they be Shaman? Nope
People hate the skinny lizard model. Let them play in Elf Form instead then.
Wings clip into the ground with Monk’s Roll ability animation - no Monk class then.

Yeah that’s probably it, not that clipping has been an issue for blizz before.

They have actually said that they make decisions because of that.
We still haven’t gotten Kael or Maiev style capes because they feel it will be too much clipping, even with guided-physics based capes.

I have a feeling that they don’t really play the game.

I played a worgen for years, I clipped through everything and half the shoulders were levitating.

Lazy artists don’t want to put work into a new model thats why + wings are probably too beyond their ability to animate when it comes to mog + anims :smiley:

I understand sometimes more is less, but the very little which came out surrounding dracthyr / evoker was laughable to a point I was beginning to wonder what I was paying for.

IMHO it’s because it would be a mess to animate a monk on them. Lore has already been bent and twisted according to need so if they wanted they could find an excuse. I think it’s just a mess making all those spin animations with those huge wings on their back.