Why no revenge for Rastakhan?

Fun and peaceful king of Zandalari Trolls, we spent so many times on quest chains to gain his trust and finally he allows the horde to take his ships. What’s next?

Jaina commands to kill him and that silly doge Genn Graymane kills the troll king for nothing. And after that no one wants revenge and treat Jaina kindly, like wtf?


No revenge for Teldrassil either. The conflict was not given any conclusion and this absolutely sucks.


Everyone will get the revenge on Sylvanas. I feel that it will be soon.

But I don’t feel that there will be a revenge on Jaina and Genn.

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Do you really think that there should be any repercussion against the aunt and the dog of high godking of azeroth Anduin?


He’s not the godking. He’s the sweetboi of Alliance.

And the dog deserves death, it’s mad. As for the granny, she’s just insane.
She could save many lives by not leaving Arthas back in times, but she caused even more deaths now. And they are treating her like she hasn’t changed.


He seemed like a pretty strict dictator to me. Death penalty for almost everything basically…


He had a lot of principles, but he was kind to his trolls. He didn’t trust Nathanos and neither did I. But If the horde sent like Baine to him (it’s a shame we don’t have Vol’jin anymore), the negotiations will be easier.

Who tf will trust smelly Nathanos?


Rastakhan was doomed with or without the Alliance killing him, Bwonsamdi was absolutely chomping at the bit to get his hands on Rastakhan’s soul and put Talanji on the throne. It would have happened sooner or later regardless.

However, Talanji wasn’t present during any of the recent events, so there’s nothing to say she won’t act for revenge on her own; the Zandalari are only allied with the Horde, not a part of it, they could easily do whatever they wish against the Alliance down the line, just like the Night Elves are pretty much free to do as they wish against the Horde.

Rastakhan will fade into oblivion. He is part of the list of wrongings the Horde could hold against Jaina (and the Alliance), so obviously it will be swept under the carpet because war is bad, vengeance is bad (when the Horde does it), and after having mean old Sylvanas, the Horde must show the alliance how good and pacific they are.
And if they retaliate, they’ll be branded unreasonable, warmongers, and probably put in chains or killed on the spot.
Much like it happened with Hathorel.

Ps: Oh, and I’m not ruling out something similar happening with Nigh elves. But they are Alliance and were portrayed as tear-jerking victims, so they’ll probably get a more lenient pass.


But the Zandalari are still a separate body from the Horde, they’re only allies; Talanji demanded as much from Sylvanas. They won’t have to toe the line like the rest of the Horde, and going forward with the faction warfare done with, the only way to justify PvP and warmode lorewise would be through individual action like that. It’s still the world of warcraft after all.

I disagree. Anduin W. told that he is out of forces, he has forces for just one final fight.

I understand that they are not the horde, only allied faction. But still Rasta did nothing bad. And during the questlines we did everything to save him, his soul and everything. He could live a lil bit more. And die of anything but not this stupid Anduin’s dog.


I think that was the point, actually; the whole plotline of the Zandalari this expansion was to let go of trying to reclaim the olden days of their empire, where Trolls ruled the world, and Rastakhan was the last piece of the puzzle left.
Blizzard wanted to kill him off and replace him with Talanji, and the Alliance was the best way to do it; after all, so far as they know the Zandalari have been aggressive and warmongering for ages, they’re not aware that all the stuff in Pandaria and such was done by a subsect led by Zul and not Rastakhan.
Ultimately it’s just a plot thread they really shouldn’t forget further down the line because it’s a great way to keep the strife going without resorting to another faction war.

Night Elf/Zandalari team up in the next edition of the faction war.

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Why revenge when his death actually made things better? The new queen is far more effective, powerful and a better leader.

Alliance did us a favour!

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Currently the Horde seems to be leaderless…so I think it’s a fair free for all at the time for all the Horde’s races.

I’m sure blizzard will fix it somehow though :wink:

I imagine it’s hard to discipline a race that regenerates from all damage that doesn’t kill them. Vol’dun seemed to imply exile was a more common sentence, which in some cases pretty much amounted to the same thing, I’ll grant you.

This is actually the route I’d like to see them take forwards, if the factions are “disbanded” then that could open up for individual races/people to engage in hostilities without having to drag a whole alliance of other groups into it. They could take such conflicts into smaller, “flavour” type storylines/pvp aspects.

We all know the faction war stuff went to hell the moment it became the primary focus in this game, so this seems a better way to go about it…

Which incidentally also means that both the Night Elves and the Trolls/Zandalari don’t have to be shackled and can start retaliating in ways that doesn’t need to have overt consequences for the entirety of the narrative, rather than as a smaller part of it.

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“Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal.”

“You must break the cycle”.

“Walk away”

-Taran Zhu


Just like no revenge for Genn when horde attacked neutrall city-state


I wonder what would Kul Tirans think about this whole mess, given that Horde attacked them even before they joined Alliance

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