So far all new races have been restricted to a humanoid like form, I assume that is for cosmetic reasons, and to save on animation.
Now they introduce a new race, which gear doesn’t show up om… Well, why the f… is it a boring humanoid dragon then!!!
They could have made it beastly, four legged, or even a dragon looking like the other dragons in the game.
Since class and race is tied to each other, and they don’t have to care for how tmogs will fit, this was the perfect oppurtunity to give us a super unique race. Instead we get a another human like creature, but with huge wings it can only use once every 4 minutes, and no way to make a proper transmog.
Rant over, I’m just a little disappointed… I value the visuals of my characters quite a lot, and having my character completely hidden by wings 99% of the times feels bad.
Not being able to see gear/transmogg is one of the main reasons ill probably not play the class. It’s an RPG where the gear, transmoggs you earn and how you look is a major factor.
It’s odd they spent so much time on racial visual customization when that’s one of the most irrelevant features about one’s character. People don’t care about your skin color, eye color or tattoos/markings, or how many horns or fins are protruding from your @ss…they care about armor and transmogg, it has a measure of prestige - that’s what WoW has always been well defined in since Classic days, even when you looked funky with mixed items.
Armor/transmogg is what defines a character, its visual appeal…the perception, not racial features. Precisely why Drakthyr suck in that regard and are quite unappealing visually. If you could see transmogg on them id definitely fall in love, but as it stands its a big turn off.
One of the better things they did with this race. Wish they would have done the same with, at least, some Worgen classes and make their worgen form look more like a werewolf than a, well, furry. The game has several animal people, I’m aware, but there’s something wrong about seeing a worgen with a top hat.
Better would be to have a base level where everyone can post pics/links and a switch to turn off that functionality for a set period of time for those who abuse it or permanently for those who can’t be trusted with it.