Yet they left the Classica Era with a few realms, why not do the same for TBC? Even if it is just 1 realm per area, for some TBC was the peak of their WoW journey and whilst I’m sure many will play WotLK Classic there will be those that will want to alternate between WotLK and TBC as well as Vanilla.
Forgive my lack of knowledge in the matter but surely a realm per region wouldn’t cost heaven and earth to run, right?
Like another player stated in a different thread, now those that want to play TBC legitimately without fear of losing their characters are left with no choice but to go to a PS again.
I’m all for TBC era servers, I don’t care if only 40 people will play on it, that’s what I want to play but yet again they force me to go play on private servers.
then just leave one single server and put a 1 character limit per account, and do that to vanilla, bc and wtk when they upgrade it too…
to resolve the naming problem, change the interface to a “two name” naming strategy, and boom… solved…
i have “twinks” (and by twinks i mean “chars of each expantion i left at their respective level at their corresponding expantion”) of every expantion (expect the last ones) id like to mimic (or even transfer, but bliz likes to torture people repeatedly…
Why would a waiting room expansion need a server when the waiting is already over, just go private servers if you want to still play it, rest of us don’t.
uau, thats a smart advice, guess you forgot its “illegal” but thats ok…
im just saying they should give us a choice, just like they did with the vanilla classic one, dont choose for us, let US choose if we want it or not… provide the option and let the “market” decide…
Why not the people play what they want?
I doubt people quitting over no TBCC Era servers are better for the game than a few hundred hanging out in TBCC-land.