Why not make a carry/boost channel?

Since boosting for gold is a legitimate service and is how a lot of guilds make their money, and considering how many people are bothered by the boost spamming, why not make a carry/boost channel and or community page where carry groups and guilds can list their services?


bc trade chat works fine?


I wouldn’t say it’s a legitimate service, just not a banned one.

I don’t believe Blizzard endorses boosting but turns a blind eye when it’s for gold and not done in group finder.

it ‘‘works’’ but it bloats it up with advetisements rather than letting people use it as a more general trade chat like in the past, i was just thinking of making a page where people can more easily list their services rather than having to bloat chat over and over with spam like its the grand exchange on OSRS

i dunno about that, its a transaction, its not something wrong with it

Trade chat is destroyed imo, I think most people in the game won’t ever go back to it after the amount of boost spam that overtook it by the same 5 people every day. It’s like it’s reputation has been destroyed beyond repair.


Trade chat is completely useless at this point as most actual players have it off with all the insane chat spam that goes on there

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No one actually uses the trade chat normally anymore.

Everything either runs over the AH or other listing websites/chat rooms :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Advertising boosts is the same as spamming “wts xyz”

i suppose.

Try selling something in trade chat , I want to see it. You get burrowed in hundreds of boosts offers in a matter of seconds that take half of the chat window


I agree, but I can see it from blizzard point too where at the end of the day, it’s trading and their using trade chat for exactly that.
It gets out of hand when they use the LFG tool to advertise.
As frustrating as it is, I just move it to a new window and ignore it now. Before communities came out and this boost culture wasn’t as big, trade was rarely used for trade. Trade chat goes across all major citys which is why people tended to talk in there rather than /1 or general chat.
Moving boost spammers to another channel won’t solve anything. It will just be replaced by anal spam, thurderfury and dirge spam. At least this is the lesser of two evils.

It’s not just as simple as that though, Every server you go to is somone spamming a macro every cd selling the same boost non stop for hours on end, The same 5 messages over and over and over. You can’t see any message except from theres because they spam everyone else out. You don’t see any variety, just the same spammers constantly.

Nobody uses trade chat? you’re right but it’s because of them.


And also every single message they send covers the WHOLE chat window


Difference is when trading for an item, you put the gold and item in trade box and all is good.

With a boost or carry there is a big risk of being scammed or booted from the group.

People have in the past complained about this and Blizzard haven’t helped.

I think there is a support page about it that say they can’t always help with boost issues if you feel you’ve been scammed.

By creating a dedicated channel they’ll have to take more notice which they don’t want to do

Go use the AH then?

But it is that simple.

If you can’t read trade chat because everything is “too spammy” that’s an issue with you, I have no issues seeing “real trading” in it from time to time.

Yeah those whole 3 lines of text :sleeping::sleeping:

On Draenor? My experience is tottaly different there tbh. That’s where I play horde as well.

Yes, on draenor.

Silvermoon too.

3 lines ? On Draenor every boost spammer has a lot more than that I can tell you that much , but hey you have your right to defend boost spammers , whatever floats your boat

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Because boosting for gold is a trade, so it’s place is in trade chat.

I just logged in and joined trade chat on Draenor and it’s happening right now, Go see, honestly. I can’t be bothered making a video, lol. The boosters are actually out spamming themselves, you can’t even read one message, it get’s moved up in chat instantly.

The same 6 messages over and over actually.

[3. Trade - City] [Sylvansbank]: FREE ARMOR STACK (Sylvanas Boost Community ) +10 for [90k] ONLY / 5 M+ 10 [365K] / + 12 [100k] / +14 [130K]/+15 [145k] / x5 M+ 15 [ 615k] /+16 [200k] / +17 [260k] / 18 [500k]/ Nylotha HC and Mythic / JAINA MOUNT
The Great Akazamzarak says: Gather 'round and witness mystical wonders like you’ve never seen before!
[3. Trade - City] [Sldraenva]: FREE ARMORSTACK < S Y L V A N A S > | +15=135k | WTS 10-22 (( 5x +15 = 570k )) ((3x15= 365k)) | +12=110k | +14=125k | [Ny’alotha, the Waking City] HC 200k ,VIP available / MYTHIC, jaina mount 399k
[3. Trade - City] [Ashraids]: ^Sylvanas community^ is selling [Ny’alotha, the Waking City]HC/Mythic (personal loot 200k/VIP with traders 1trader is 290k 3traders=490K 5traders=790k ) also selling M+10-22 {M+15 is 140k}(5x15 is 560k)with free stack
[3. Trade - City] [Choppoo]: < Icecrown Community > FREE armor stack !! < +15 140k > & < +10 90k > & < +11 100k > & < +12 110k > & < +14 130k > // < NYC HC 180k personal loot & 280k with 1 vip & 3 vip 450k & 5 vip 750k > // Jaina mount // Visions < and lot more > /w for info…
[3. Trade - City] [Ferygally]: The Gallywix Wts Heroic/Mythic[Ny’alotha, the Waking City]Key +15 140k Full armor stack)(Heroic Carapace+N’Zoth 110K)(Heroic Raden)(Vision with 1-5 mask)(Pvp) Jaina Mount/Accept gold all realms/w me for more info

Repeat what I posted over and over , non stop, that’s whats happening right now.