Why not make a carry/boost channel?

This game has become a multiboxer, botting and boosting game. Most ppl i know just leave trade chat as soon as they get on.

It’s morally grey, but technically still legitimate. A lot of them sell their services for the same price as a token, so you’re basically paying real money for achievements and mounts that should be obtained through hard work and persistence - not lying dead in front of N’Zoth while the boost group does all the work.
Some of the other services like the Jaina mount I can kinda see why you’d want to pay for that. Nobody likes RNG, and if you join a boost group where they already have it, you’re guaranteed to drop it (as far as I’m aware).

This is not possible. You don’t have access to listing in group finder for a raid you’re not appropriately levelled for.

You need an account with a fully paid subscription and to be at least level 15-20+ to even access the feature, and 120 to advertise max level raids.

We’re talking about trade chat, Not group finder.

First thing I do when I make a new character is /leave trade for my mental health.

It’s a disaster on high populated servers and if you chat with a friend you can get messages that you never get to read because of the huge amount of spam. It’s like 10 boosting ads per second.

Personal opinion =/= facts. Boosting is a legitimate service, regardless of how you, I or anybody else feels about it.

As long as there’s ingame chat logs that provide proof of you actually buying a boost, you’re somewhat secure. Sure, you won’t necessarly get your money back, but if you get scammed and there’s ingame chatlogs showing that you did, the scammers will get banned.

Most people who complain about getting scammed in WoW were the ones who added people on Skype, Discord and any other 3rd party program to discuss the terms, thus they’ve given up their protection that Blizzard can provide.

That being said, Trade Chat is indeed a mess. However, it’s always been a fair bit of a mess, with most posts in the tradechat being irrelevant to most players.

The times of buying enchants through trade chat, the times of looking for rogues to lockpick things, they’re all over.

I’m playing on a medium pop server, which means it’s effectively dead. If I idle 12 hours in any city and search through tradechat, I can safely say there’s going to be less “trading” than there’s going to be random conversations.

The argument of trade chat being misused is genuinely not fitting, since boosting is a trade no matter how anybody feels about it and most things trade chat was used before boosting was so incredibly prominent were guild advertisements anyway, which are in fact not trades.

It doesn’t though. Because
(A) it’s a trade chat that nobody uses to trade anymore due to boosting spam
(B) boosting is terrorizing the raid finder. Like half the adverts in the raid finder are boost sellers…

A new channel should be introduced where boosts can be sold for in-game currency. People that want boosts can join this channel, no need to bother 99% of the server with this spam. In addition to that, boost selling should be forbidden everywhere else, especially in things like the raid finder!

I know this particular discussion is about the trade channel but I do wish they’d do harsher punishments for those listing sell groups in the group finder. Every day I report a load.

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So much this.

You can sell almost anything on the AH so trade is redundant except for TCG mounts and other niche things. If you don’t want to see boosts, leave trade.

If you want to spam your butt jokes make a community of like minded people.

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Yup. Exactly. I can’t believe that some people are defending the “right” to tell your lousy thunderfury joke which has been told like 83498078304780893 times on a trade channel. :rofl:

It makes it unusable.

I was trying to find a delicate way of phrasing that particular activity :smile:

It’s a good job I came along when I did then, what with my reputation for tactfulness and diplomacy.


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Services are trades.

Boosting = trading

You mean LFG?
I personally don’t see that many in the dungeon LFG, no idea about the raid one though.

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I do like the optimism that even if Blizzard made a boost channel that they wouldn’t still advertise in trade as well.

Not that I think Blizz are going to make rules that some trades are better than other trades and only some trades will be permitted in the trade channel.

The difference is that once someone sells or buys there item, they stop spamming. The boosters don’t ever stop because they are selling an “infinite” service. Thus the result is that if you try to sell or buy something, you’re constantly drowned out.

I don’t know what it’s called… Premade raids for current raid tiers and then scroll through the list of people recruiting for raids. When you look for Ny’alotha heroic (for example), you’ll see like half of them being boosting services, which makes finding a legit run much, much harder.

I really don’t want to be that guy. I honestly don’t like to make assumptions… However I’m honestly suspecious of Bots being used to spam the chat with the boosting services. No matter what time of day it is, the same names pop up.

If you go out of your way to check it’s the same guys going from 7am to 3am, I didn’t sit there the whole time frame everyday that I’ve checked, So you could argue that, However I think Blizzard should look into it.


The trade isn’t the problem, it’s the obnoxious amount of it. 4 different lvl 1 characters spamming the same copy pasted message with slightly different wording to bypass spam filters. Advertise your +15 in time keys all you want but even the people advertising the same damn “company” are competing against eachother.

There’s room for 1 sylvanas and 1 gallywix message in the chatwindow, there’s no need for 4 sylvanas boosting bot messages to overlap every 10 seconds.


You have to keep adding words to filters.

All those people are sellers for those sites, they make gold by getting people spots in boost runs.