Why not make a carry/boost channel?

I would definetly say that it’s not, but that wouldn’t be solved by adding a boosting channel either.

I agree with that tbh, I honestly think they are using throw away accounts, They are doing it on level 1s but I can’t be 100% sure.

If thats what you want then sure?
Because honestly. If I get 10 friends to spam the /2 channel with WTS linen cloth without stopping or remorse. Then “all is dandy”. Its a TRADE channel after all. Whats the difference between that and the boosting spam? (With the exception that there is less demand for linen cloth I guess…)

I agree. I have just /leave 2 months ago. Feels like that people who complain about a /trade channel being used for …trade (shocking…I know xD) are simply angrey cause they can use it for their a**l jokes anymore. :smiley:

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I’ll buy your linen cloth

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Maybe there needs to be greater restrictions on the channels about how much one toon can post in a fixed period of time.

Or find a way to link it back to account so that you can’t log an alt and post etc.

Could also have guild restrictions as well, if too many people from the same guild post in trade within fixed period a restriction is applied.

I know that will shift people to post from unguided toons but with account posting limits as well it could solve the problem.

A person trying to sell a TCG mount or something will be happy to adhere to the limits

A good thing to do would be preventing level 1’s from spamming so much.

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Once again, it’s not about the message. It’s about it being spammed over and over with a macro. Nobody has an issue with the actual boost selling. I don’t see anyone angry? I see people saying that they don’t like the amount of spam by the same people over and over. They are talking about something that they find an issue on the forum, isn’t that what the forums are for?

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There is a solution which will never work because people are so fixated on things like achievements and items that come from these boosts.

Convince people to do the hard work themselves rather than throw gold or real money at something like curve or keymaster achievements.

Not like trade chat was any good before all that came along. All I remember it being was people spamming that A*** thing, the odd thunderfury joke, and people selling stuff that can easily go on AH. That and guilds using it for recruitment.

At least it is filled with actual services now and not that silly spam like before.

Here on Argent Dawn Alliance, we’re fortunate enough to have a mostly ethical boosting advertising community - there are only a few outliers, but I’m not gonna name names, as I don’t know if it’s allowed here. The outliers are using alt accounts, for sure.

But then I log on Ragnaros Horde… yikes :confused: Edit: to clear it up, the problem isn’t the adverising, it’s just that the same message appears from 6 different characters - and it also happens in PMs as well, very, very rarely.

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There is a lot of competition there. Obviously every spammer wants his “spotlight time” there and the more populous the realm, the bigger the “competition” for it. So its common logic, that they will start spamming simply for the sake of having an increased chance for somebody who actually wants their services, gets their message. And it also depends on the realm. Silvermoon for example its “free for all mode. Spam away”. RP realms have more ethical standards. German realms are very strict and any “outliners” get mass-reported in a instant.

And I can’t blame silvermoon either. IF I was an advertiser. Whats the point of me spamming 1 message every 5 min which is considered “ethical”…while the same time, the guys next to me, spam it every 15 sec…? “I either play the cards I have dealt with or I shoot myself in the foot”

Boost spam in trade is unbearable on Draenor.

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Exactly this. You cant even read the message thats its out of the window lol

The trade channel is the right place for people to advertise. Their time for your gold.

It is no different to any other ‘want to sell for gold’ or ‘trade for another item’ in game advertisment. They are in the right place.

You should report all boost/advertisements in group finder, it’s against tos

You and I both know that doesnt do anything

The trade channel is the right place for people to advertise. Their time for your gold.

I would love to agree but the trade chat spam is so insane on servers like Draenor that its unreadable anyway as so many of them are spamming every second that it doesnt make it acceptable by any standard. Condoning trade chat spam is condoning the LFG spam as well because why not ? You also pay gold so its okay ?


It doesn’t matter if you agree, they are in the right place. They are selling a service for gold.

You can use an addon like bad boy to remove it or ignore trade all together. I stick it on a separate tab. Some just leave the channel.


Blizzard can’t very well create a channel for some trades but not others. It makes no sense.

Personally I find it kinda ironic that people don’t want actual trading in trade and just want to have silly conversations involving thunderfury or dirge etc.

I agree, the whole boost thing is out of the hands. Not only do they spam in trade channel, they also are spamming in Premade tool. The thing is, will it actually help to have them in separated channel?

Most likely not because their spam will spread to trade channel. Right now Blizz has to do nothing about the spam, because they have declared it legal. If they moved boosters to another channel Blizz would need to start enforcing it and Blizzard is not interested investing resources into that. Looking at premade tool, every 3rd is spam. You report them and nothing happens. Next day they are back.


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I can’t believe I’m disagreeing with Lxser and agreeing with Benjamin in the same thread!

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