Why remove inastant BGs!?!?

Why remove inastant BGs!?!?
Why remove inastant BGs!?!?

You find a solution that made people not be able to play the game, and quit wow tbc. Then you revert the change. why!?!?


It’s not a solution and it was a test read the post. I have no doubt it will come back tho R.I.P Alliance


It’s a solution to solve the long queue issue.

The faction balance is a separate issue to deal with separately

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Cmon, you cant be serious :smiley:


Yeah, thats some kind of proposal.

I was refering to your naivity that you cant see connection between faction balance and long horde queues :smiley:


Thing is you cant fix faction imbalance with a snip of the finger…
You can fix the horrible queue time for horde


Thanks Youdot, And Whytho there is no naivety in what I said, You are not even posting on your main character for whatever reason?

Anyway, If you actually read the post I posted you will understand I addressed both issues at once, stop trolling.

Im okay with hvh bgs if ally gets 400-500% boost to gold, honor and rep gain, and double loot drops from raids

Because it was a test, be patient it will undoubtedly be back.

Because they don’t belong in tbc.

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Add Mirror racials, limited faction change from H to A only and limits on boosts and transfers to Horde on Horde dominated servers and it’s a deal.

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If they gave free/paid faction transfer, the short queues on the alliance side is an incentive to transfer.

If the removed the largest incentive to join a faction, there would be alot less/no people doing it

There aren’t really any incentives to join the alliance besides the queues and being able to boost a paladin

You said, that it is separated issue, it is not, it is connected way more than you think.
It should not be dealt separately.

This is your argument ? I am not posting on my , main , character ? Still I have more forum posts than you ( if you wanna go this road :slight_smile: )

I was reacting to your post here, I do not have time to go through your portfolio, (again your post here ) where you stated that it is separate issue.

  • You cant fix faction balance with a blink of an eye, but when you add , same faction battleground solution , it seems that it wont change much, but believe me, it is domino effect that you dont see, because you are playing more populated faction. You can play BG alone ( if same faction will stay ), but you cant play alone dungeon where there are not that many players left. Or do we get same faction PvE later ? :slight_smile:

I am not surprised that you have not read that it was a “test” until today.

  1. Its a test phase
  2. It belongs in Retail WoW
  3. Politely go back to Retail if you want fast queues as Horde.

No, the ques are resault of the faction balance issue.

It was a solution to make the streamers happy. They all play horde for some reason. Probably because of the looks.

It wasn’t a permanent solution YET.
If you read the blue post again, you’ll see that this was a testing period, now they will evaluate the effects of it, and decide whether they want the change to stick around - which I hope they will indeed want.

As expected from fake horde player