Why remove Insane in the Membrane?

I’m unhappy.

I’ve planned and plotted my Insane title just like back in the days, with DMF island and getting Buccanneers to Exalted by killing Booty Bay guards.

Why is it being removed? This wasn’t in OG Cataclysm. This decision is absolutely unnecessariy and serves no purposes.


That along with item IDs changing seems to heavily indicate classic is moving towards merging with retail in a near future which is odd cause Insane in the Membrane is, as far as I know, still an achievement in retail and much easier than it was in Cataclysm.

It’s definitely an odd decision with no real reasoning behind it.


It is absolutely absurd. Yes it is still in retail. Yes in OG Cataclysm you could grind this. Who on earth has asked even for this change? Like, no one.

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A thought occured to me, maybe it’s not an indication of a merge but rather some people wanting their stupid title to be “special”.

Honestly, I don’t think making changes for the 3 people who’ve whined about their title being ever so slightly more common is worth it, but Blizzard gotta Blizzard.

If you were going for it or you legit wanted it, you wouldve made steps over the last 2-4 years to get it and would have it. If you’re bitter its being taken out then get your skates on, you can get it easily in a month, it takes about a week of pure farming and if you have already made steps its going to take less time.

The whole point of the title is to be insane, waiting for gold to inflate and prices to go down, reps to be taken off is the opposite of that, glad they removing it like they should have done in retail

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Well, I legit wanted it.

I wanted Bloodsail Buccaneers at 21999 Exalted at the same time with the Steamwheedle Cartel being Exalted.

Which isn’t a requirement for the Insane in the Membrane title. But I like my reps maxed. And as you may (or may not) know this Exalted grind is unbelievable hard because there are only 2 mobs in the entire game that will give Reputation after you’ve hit 11999 Honored.

So it’s not that I did not legit wanted it. Insane itself is easy. I was just stalling it because I wanted Bloodsail Buccaneers Exalted in an easier fashion.

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The achievement is unavailable come sunday cause that’s when the last DMF before Cataclysm ends.

They gave people a 5 day notice on this and you’re sitting there spreading misinformation.

It’s the same as OG Cata what do you mean?

Transmog IDs have changed on the beta from what they were in the original OG Cataclysm.

do dmf this weekend then. :roll_eyes:

After 2250/6000 Friendly, the only way to improve your Darkmoon Faire reputation is turning in Darkmoon Card decks, which give 350 rep per turn-in.

Best of luck with that, but that doesn’t change the fact that you claimed people had 30 days to do it and they clearly don’t.

Even disregarding the DMF issue (which is a bit of a stretch) you still only have till the prepatch to get it done which at the time of announcement made it 21 days.

You’ve had since sep 2022 to get the title bruh

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I don’t give a toss about the title for me personally, but when people had prior knowledge that a rep was going away in Cataclysm required for it and planned accordingly only to have the rug pulled beneath them that just screams poor communication to me.

But go on, expect nothing from the people whose salary you pay.


Please,dont remove Insane in the Membrane.

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I have the title done since tbc and got it instantly when wrath prepatch dropped. It was really time consuming and expensive, way more so than it was for anyone in wrath, but still it should not be removed or at the very least not with such a close unexpected notice.

the title is not special and it makes no sense removing it this time around. To those who go for it and try to still make it, goodluck.

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Why remove old world? Why bring back most hated expansion that dropped subs a decade ago and made every OG player quit? Because they don’t care about players, they sh!t on us, only they care is money but even by money point these clowns made a huge mistake - no one is going to play Cata :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I did reach out to them to get clarification on whether the entire achieve would be removed or if only Shendralar rep would (as the original game), and this was their reply:

“I’ve taken a look into this and after some investigation, we Game Masters are currently unable to make any changes regarding this or provide any additional information. Thus, as much as I want to help you with this right now, this is not something we can do at the moment.”

I find it unreal that they can’t even provide information like this to the players.

Game masters have no reason to have a reply for this sadly, you’d need it to be elavated to another team or get in touch with someone like Aggrend on Twitter.

They have taken it off the post now.

  • Swift Zulian Tiger: Zul’Gurub is changing from a raid to a leveling zone and this mount will no longer be obtainable.
  • Swift Razzashi Raptor: This mount will also no longer be obtainable after the change to Zul’Gurub.
  • Razzashi Hatchling: With the change to Zul’Gurub, this non-combat pet will no longer be obtainable.
  • Tome of Polymorph: Turtle: This tome will continue to be available through other means.
  • Crusader’s White/Black Warhorse and Swift Alliance Steed/Swift Horde Wolf: As the attempt-based tribute system is being removed from Heroic Trial of the Crusader, the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest will no longer spawn, and these mounts will no longer be obtainable.
  • Mimiron’s Head: This mount will change to be a very low drop chance when defeating 25-player Yogg’Saron with no Keepers assisting you.
  • Invincible: This mount will change to be a very low drop chance when defeating Heroic 25-player Lich King.

No longer has any mention of Insane in the Membrane. So all the andy’s wishing to circumvent the biggest part of what makes it insane are going to be free to do so.

True brother Insane the Membrane was too in the original Cataclysm Expansion Set, I don’t know what are they doing, the new Blizzard stuff will destroy Wrath of the Lich King Masterpiece again…