Why so serious?

I am a bnoobmer. If you may ask what’s a bnoobmer, it’s the mixture of the boomer and noob, and old school, who doesn’t take gaming into serious competitive way.

Although I like old school WoW, I was hesitant to start, since I already knew at the beginning that I couldn’t and wouldn’t be as “dedicated” as the true vanilla players.

Maybe I am wrong, but what I see is that many people overreact and overstress the game already. People looking for layers desperately to get those buffs (which is easily gone with a wrong pull, overaggro or a raid wipe), as if their life would depend on it, buffs themselves once again considered not an extra bonus, but an integrated part of the core raid mechanism, bis hunting, and all the other usualy stuff.

And I don’t understand it (as a bnoobmer) why people burn themselves out, as it was the first release of the game. Instead it’s like the 4th time Blizz released Vanilla (if you add hardcore and SoD), why can’t people relax, and enjoy the game? Like playing throug with class you have never tried before, re-exploring the zones, the storylines. Vanilla has more RPG style to get immersed in the world, not just run through and farm the endgame content.


You try to understand the mentality of a drug addict, it’s no use, Classic is their fix and for others, Classic allows them to believe that they are accomplishing something with their life.


I totally agree with you, but people are different, playstyles are different, and the one being “in” right now is the ‘hurry to endgame and be as OP as possible’-one. Play your way and enjoy. If I were you I’d go to the Era HC servers, I think we’re more of our kind there.
One more thing G are only pixels and to be used for fun - no to be amassed … in my opinion :wink:


You are so right.

Meanwhile I have deactivated almost any chat in the cities and even in the world. There’s only an endless spam of “I boost for gold” and “Lf for boost for gold”. Looks like hardly someone wants to play the game as intended and for fun.

The absolute ridiculous thing is that all those are only sweating into and for an endgame which found its end almost 18 years ago and still they are so scared to miss a single ID.

The playerbase has changed drastically. Sad to say the change is to the worse.

I was really hoping for a Classic+ to come with the possibility to save any char to a Classic+ Era + TBC + Wrath so there’s 3 options to be playing with any char in any of these expansions.

But I am very sure, if this C+ ever happens to go live, the sweaters of today become even worse. Compared to 2005 2019 was already a min/max feast, next step was SoD and in fresh it has become ridiculous.
I am waiting for the day ppl force WB for Deadmine runs.

The only way to have a good feeling nowadays is to play with friends/guildies. And as a lock to only go out into the wilderness with /afk turned on.

Even though I am not a roleplayer I wish we had one RP realm to just be able to play with chat on that’s not full with crap 24/7. And with no bots either but with ppl who aren’t aiming for … what anyway? World first in nerfed versions of a 20 year old game?

I remember when a mate and I started new on Era Mograine since some of our guildies had a saved char there already. My mate Shammy, I lock wanted to do WC. After 1st boss the tank left bc he was too low and said he can’t tank that, another one left with the tank but the rogue stayed and we cleared the thing with shammy and my pet tanking, shammy healing in between and had only to give up at the last boss. Those things stay in my head.

I wishe we got a never ending Classic+ one day with 2 servers.
One for gigasweaters with WB, songflowers and whatever and another one without all that and therefore with no basis of life for bots.


Amen :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Even if they announced the RP, think it would be the same situation as it is on the current servers.

I am playing on PvE and have to say that there’s a big variety in players and playstyles. Sometimes it becomes a pure fiesta and sometimes a speedrun. I see a lot of HR runs in LFG, in the last few days, trade chat became more spammed by sellers and no idea why.

To be honest, I don’t see a big difference between the current realms and the one that I was playing in 2019. But think it will become a bit more chill and casual once people who are grinding and rushing reach goals and start to raid log, and people who are taking their time still leveling or playing less reach max level and start to raid.

When I played on era I found this not to be the case. The whole experience was much more relaxed.

Since playing on anniversary and SOD, it has been a different story. I would say a major part of the problem is multiple seasonal servers with turbo paced progression. It sadly encourages this type of play style.

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