Why stay in Classic (Vanilla)?

i dont get your point, you want the static world, you stay in classic and get a static world, you want new content and addons, go to TBC or even retail.

i plan to check TBC and stay on classic, when staying on classic it will be playing the same game over and over again as you said it. But you dont need to do this 24/7, you finished it, fine, make a break, do sth. else or whatever, return after some months and start the journey again or you are simply done with classic and thats it.

Source? why wouldn’t it be the same as when you make the switch?

Classic Era servers will stay as they are now minus the players leaving them for TBCC.
I’m going to stay and do everything. I nver made it to Max in Vanilla - and am also not there yet (casualt top the hilt - that’s me) So I want to stay and enjoy. Slowly.
As you should still be able to roll new toons, I am going to do just that as well.


Many thought LFD/LFR tool with insta teleport to dungeon was a good thing…but…we got wiser. Imagine?

Because your Quality of life is not the same as mine?

Just curious, what people do on such servers for so long on same patch?

Pvpers dont need new maps, I get that, but pvers doing naxx for 2+ years?

I honostly do not know. I played for a year on warmane wotlk servers. And i did all i wanted to do, after that i was done.

But that was 5-6 years ago. A friend still plays there (almost 6 years now). And from time to time i check the website because i am curios about the population.

And the most populair server is always full with 12k players,for at least 6 years now.
I know that they never add new things or change the patch version.
Why it keeps on being populair is anyone’s guess

If the game, for you, is about getting to the end raid and clearing that. Then you are done after that I believe. (In that case I can understand the whish for insta boosts, teleport to dungeon lfd-tool, increased xp to faster get to that goal, etc)

If the game, for you, is about questing, levelling various types of alts, socialising, lore, exploring various ways of doing stuff, etc etc. Then I believe you can enjoy the game …for a longer time. Not forever but for long. Adding som new gear and places could make that waaaayy longer.

Perhaps one can take a look at the fps-genre of games to widen the perspective. Its the same game that ppl keep playing year after year. Some new maps and graphics but at the core that’s basically it.

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I’d like to do the original Iron Man Challenge in Classic too - Level from 1-60 without dying, no groups, no help, no gear better than white, and no buffs. I still haven’t done it, not for lack of trying, and am now level 15. I began easy, NE Hunter, but would like to try more challenging race/class combos later on.
And I still haven’t gottet all named gear in game either, like Fang of Naraxis and so on. :wink:

Edited to correct all my typos :frowning:

Im playing all aspects of the game you mentioned, got four lvl 60s, 3 characters in 40s. All that with four months break from the game since launch.
But, apart from pvp, I really have no idea what would I do for six years playing pve in no-updates game.

Fps games are another thing, it is like wow pvp, new map is all that is needed.

Certainly this is arguable. I think flying mounts are fantastic.

This isn’t true at all. In fact most private servers see a dip in population around AQ40 then more leave after Naxx.

For Classic Vanilla to survive they will have to release fresh servers every year or so to keep players occupied.

I’ll probably leave a character for PvP and if a fresh realm is ever opened come back again for that experience but will mainly be playing TBC.

Its also all related to how often you have time to play. One players 1000h can last for a year, for another player that same amount of time could last 5 years

Because I love it!

I like the old zones, quests and all the journey I had. I like to read the quests (believe me they put a lot of work there) and doing everything slowly. I love the music and basically everything classic has to offer.
TBC will be a rush min/max fest that will lead to everything I don’t like.


My Holy paladin will be staying on Classic because he gets worse in TBC. Making a resto druid for TBC. best of both worlds.

I hope what they do is vanilla - wotlk no changes as it was (with small common sense changes like drum nerfs) and then go back to classic and release fresh realms but do them as classic+ with content beyond naxx like their original vision for the game.

Would include vanilla hellfire peninsula (as an isolated zone), emerald dream (as an open world zone), hyjal (as a raid accessed through darkwhisper gorge), undermine (a neutral capital city accessed via boat to kezan), tel abim, kul tiras, zandalar, nazjatar (and the rest of the wc3 rift areas), stormwind prison (raid accessed via the other stockades tower in stormwind), broken isles, uldum, grim batol (+ twilight highlands?), gilneas, quel’thalas, naxx entrance in strat, western & eastern burning steppes, beyond the dark iron highway in BRM, ironforge airfield quests, old ironforge quests, dalaran bubble unveiled?, wetlands farm quests, Karazhan crypts quests?, stonetalon mountains logging camp quests?, caverns of time (with vanilla version of black morass), azshara crater BG, timbermaw hold tunnel connection to the rest of the network, player controlled mirage raceway, gurubashi catacombs BG, shatterspear village quests?, western tirisfal glades, northern lordaeron, elwynn falls quests?, bengal tiger cave vendor etc…

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Actually you won’t be able to move on.

With Burning Crusade Classic™ , players will be provided a choice of taking their characters beyond Azeroth and through the Dark Portal into Outland or staying in Azeroth—for all time.

Because with the boosts (and the obvious ingame additions coming with it) TBC and the future of classic is ruined.

Thats why im staying in the current classic because blizz couldnt stop being greedy and had to ruin the future of classic.

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