Why the Classic community should be more efficient

I’d like to give my opinion on a very controversal topic about the players in Classic.

First I will address how I recognize a so called “Good player”, and that is simple if you follow the rule that defines EFFICIENCY in videogames, having in mind that we are talking about nowadays efficiency.
Good players for me are those who are willing to not necessarily speedrun around the place, but keep a pretty good balance on skill/fun/time-spent playing.
That meaning that they wont usually enjoy being stuck on doing the same thing just for the sake of what many people call the “Classic experience”. While also experiencing a pretty good and solid journey through the learning curve that the game has to offer.

Now let’s talk about “Bad players” and how I personally recognize them.
A bad player will lack the awareness on how to value the time he or she spends playing, and that usually translates to them not being able to see beyond what the limitations regarding their skills within the game are. Fact is, their limitations often come from more than lack of awareness, and it could easily be due to the fact that they fall into the toxicity of thinking that every person that is MORE EFFICIENT than them in a VIDEOGAME will always be a no-life-nerd/kid/elitist and not just someone who doesnt have as many hours to play as those mentioned just above and is therefore “forced” and willing to learn how to be efficient with their limited usage of game hours so they can ALSO enjoy the whole journey.
That leaves “Bad players” in a state of denial that prevents them from progressing their skill level because they see no reasoning behind that.

As far as examples go, I think I’ve explained how to spot both of them and anyone that relates to me on this view will understand who I am talking about when it comes to “Bad players” (the controversal bit of it) at least.

This in my opinion separates those two, and summarizes what I think of them in short.

I’ve also learned that RETAIL has something to offer that many people miss, and its EFFICIENCY. Yes, sometimes its seen as this toxic behaviour of having to speedrun every single little bit of content, but as a whole, its not.
What I really wanted to mention about efficiency and Retail is that with the right group of people the Retail version of World of Warcraft and its streamlined “rotations” but complex team-play can teach us a good lesson on how we can be efficient during the whole journey that World of Warcraft Classic has to offer without missing any of the fun in it.
This way we can give a more fluid experience that will be new for every type of player. Not forcing new players to review what others did fifteen years ago, I am talking to you Veterans.

I expect people to understand my point of view when it comes to efficiency and how, without me having to go into much detail, it is easy to see how harmful it is to these nowadays Retail/Newcoming players that venture into Classic to be having to deal with Old players imposing their “Old ways” that really dont fit what a new upcoming Classic player is expecting from a community that is fifteen years old.
I also would like for every veteran player to try out these new ways of experiencing Classic and not to try and force something that was how it was because of when it was.

In conclusion I hope I was able to put my opinion across on the differences of these two types of players and how efficiency plays a better role than most of us think of when it comes to having fun while playing videogames.

Kind regards.

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read through almost half of the post and then realised its friday.


Everyone can play how they see fit and should stop there complaining about how others don’t fit there play style.

Like all the anti spellcleave threads, grow up and play how u like but stop complaining how others do theirs.


damn you guys live in here I was just putting a point across lol.

In my opinion a bad player is a player that shows disrespect to others and try to force his/her opinion and gameplay to rest of the group. And a player that goes bananas for every little mistake made.
Lack of expirience and bad gear/ skill setup can be changed and learned with contructive feedback and not with raging about how bad he/she is.


I definitely agree with that @Dovregubben

@Adrian I understand what you are saying however, For example I am in Elwynn Forest Killing Boars, Hmm, South Park reference, anyone … and having a great time levelling up just doing that, I could go after the Defias, I also have a couple of quests for the two mines out of Goldshire, but for now enjoying myself just levelling my character killing boars, not very efficient but great fun. :slight_smile: and to me, that’s what Classic is all about.


I played for many years. I achieved somewhat high PvP rating (2150 in WotLK), I killed many heroic and mythic bosses. I guess I understand what’s efficiency. And in the end I hate it. It removes fun from the game. It forces you to do things you’re not enjoying to stay efficient. And, worse of all, WoW, as an MMORPG forces you to do those unfun things because of other player expectations. I hate daily quests, but other people expect my artifact level to be on some level, so I have to do them in order to meet those expectations, not feel myself an outlier.

I’m playing differently this time. I’m not going efficient. I’m going to play as I like. I’m going to have fun. And I have fun. I’m probably the most inefficient player EU: 25 level with 7 days played, and I did not jumped in taverns. Nothing wrong with that! And spellcleaves can go to hell, old school dungeon style wohoo. Because I like it slow.


Lol @Ethly, started playing a week after launch, highest level char is almost 7, I’m right on schedule :wink:, there is nothing wrong with taking it slow, I always do


I don’t understand what you’re saying? Are you saying veteran players should be spell cleaving their way through and playing classic as though it’s retail, because it’s more efficient?

I would like to comment but is Friday and i need to go to cook my spaghetti efficiently.


What a silly post

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Calling people bad players for not wanting to do the min max levelling is pretty poor IMO.

Definitely a weekend post :laughing:


Why did you roll a druid if you wanted efficiency? That’s very old ways of you, go roll a mage and AoE farm you slacker.


These veteran players haven’t been in slumber last 10 years. You can not reveal to them some “new way” of playing they haven’t tried/experienced at some point. They have their tastes based on years of experience and experimenting with gaming.

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I wasnt referring to a specific bit of content but you guys get fed up by the trolls way too much to understand a simple point

then again i was expecting a bit too much from forums that people spend hours on just to get fed up on trolls
anyways, i did not mean spellcleave, not that u should level efficiently, i was referring to be bit of content that you do with other people, the bit of content that actually matters that you try and be efficient, not talking about getting pre-bis a week in, you guys didnt get the point and its really sad that not even the moderator that probably lives half his days here got it.

but anyhow few trolls few other people that didnt go all the way or just didnt understand what the objective of it was, i wasnt expecting much else than what i got, now go back to crying agaisnt the spell cleave lovers and play your mini factionized game you play on here on a daily


oh yea let me edit this real quick;
yes i am a bit salty that a green didnt qualify for standard reading comprehension

its sad i need to quote myself

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Just to be clear @Adrian, I understood your point completely, I know that you didn’t mean that everyone should be a speedrunner, in fact the point you made was, take the time occasionally to enjoy your accomplishments, and above all enjoy the game for what it is :), that was my take on what you said, as regards this spellcleave thing that ppl have been mentioning, I have no idea what that means.

I have detailed files on human anatomy.

Come with me if you want to live.

(exits thread)

If you want my point across in a way that everyone will understand but annoy everyone aswell lets give it to you;
MY point is basically that If you want to do whatever as a solo player in a solo enviorment do as you wish but when you group up with people and you are just taking ten times the time something needs to be done just for the sake of doing things like we did back then, then its just stupid and its a state of denial that some people wont be willing to learn on how to actually be efficient up to a STANDARD of not spending HOURS in a dungeon acting like we are still in 2005 and we are all learning the very basics of the game, because let me tell you, not even fresh, FRESH players that ive encountered in classic have given me any reason to give up in the community but the “veterans” that either become the elite of the elite or just some jerks that wanna gun-pull every mob, I just honestly dont see the point.
But hey besides doing group content, i dont care about what you do, just try to have fun doing it, but then if your “fun” is ruining other peoples fun then its just people being in denial

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Ahh well @Adrian, in that case, I agree with you completely :smile:

and just before you give up, let me tell you an easy example on my point
imagine im in a group with other 4 people doing WC/DM whatever, If the majority of the group is willing to go slow and not be even remotely close to efficient because its their first time they really having a blast, blah blah, i will not complain, but if a minority is willing to force me to go slow at a subhuman pace just because their reasoning is based on what they did in the past, and then by that fact i shall imperatively do so, its just selfish, stupid, and clearly shows a state of denial and an incapability of progressing as a person in a videogame and thats just sad to say, dont you agree