Why the hate?

Childish and ignorant is saying what you just said. The Thread is about hating in game races, not about judging the players in real life.

I hate Vulperas, I also hate orcs for being the most destructive race and they tried to exterminate everything (Draenei includes). That doesn’t means I don’t know how to differentiate reality from fiction and going to hate these players (Except the ones that role play furrie sex with vulperas because I find them unpleasant).

P.S: I just saw your guild right now. I am no longer surprised by what you just wrote knowing who you are.

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This has been the forsaken since vanilla

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Should we judge you and what you say based of your guild tag too? Mr.Spetsnaz

This thread is exactly about hating people over the race they play. OP specifically mentions bullying. Although… I am not at all surprised to see you here either. Given your track record of jumping into any Vulpera hate wagon and comment given the chance that you’ve done.


I don’t judge his guild; his guild has allowed me to recognize a person I didn’t want to interact with, unfortunately I didn’t realize it until I sent my message.

I hate vulperas and orcs in game, that doesn’t means i’m bashing the players Irl, unless killing them in the game counts as such.

Well, have you actually looked at the furros?
What were they even thinking when they decided that these now belong to the horde

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My Vulpera bites back :wink:

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The Horde- usually the ones who yell 'muh honor!! no room for cute races in da hooooorde!!!" - tend to forget, your average Vulpera pup is more badass than any of the Horde races combined, coming from a desert Trolls send other Trolls to die… yet the Vupera - even with the on and off Sethrak opression - not only survived but mastered the desert life
We are Fremens of Azeroth

As Brigante, may he rest in peace wrote:


It’s most likely a joke. Gnomes have had their share of hate since vanilla but… come on… it’s not serious. Gnomes suck btw.

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I’m bringing Nachos, what dip do you want? Got guacamole, cheese sauce and salsa!

I don’t see Erevien yet.

I’ll be the digital punching bag.
It’s a dirty job, but somebody got to do it.


:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Lol I’ve seen this parroted enough on reddit some people are actually starting to believe it.

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Oh I am sorry… I shouldn’t have opened with the fantasy facist comment should i?. I didn’t mean to ruin your fun before it started. But its absolutely hilarious how you two just cannot for the life of you hold back on anything Vulpera. Your absolutely foaming at the mouth at every mention of them. And when called out its ‘‘Just this or that bro, I don’t actually hate hurr durr’’

Take a Vulpera vecation. You too Asjon.

I may have ruined the show before it even started sadly. Erevien is at least able to hold him self back.

You know i really wish just once. You could try a different approach than the constant campaigning for deleting a whole race from the game. You could have suggested ways the Vulpera would fit better in with the Horde. How their lore could be improved on, You who are so passionate about the Horde. Try it for a change… This is getting really sad.

to be fair gnome and vulpera players deserve it for playing those races!

But there have been races wich made little sense being into certain faction. Like blood elves being shoehorned into the horde because they needed a pretty race. Or the nightborne because tyrande was a but rude to them. Or void elves being pulled out of blizzards rear end with no existing lore because loud minority kept whining for high elves for the alliance

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No because their entire existance is an atrocity to the lore. There is no background but some shady reference in the last patch of Legion. They’re just a furry bait race obviously to lure in “that” community.


Please, if in months I have only talked about vulperas in this topic.

Removing this, the last time I talked about them was in JULY and more as a joke than anything else.

Oh here we go… First of all no. There have been ‘‘furry bait’’ in the game ever since classic. You dont hate on the Tauren or the Worgen or the pandaren at all. You are exactly the person the OP described. And its so showing its getting actually sad how obsessed about it you are its bordering insanity. You want the Horde to go to war again and again doing the same cheese battle lines and confrontations to the heath death of the universe. And like OP said you cannot see past the ‘‘Cute fox people’’

If you really cared about blizzard catering to the furry community you wouldn’t descriminate on whatever furry race with your virtol. You would hate them all equally.

Second… Not even Vulpera players like the situastion their being handed to them by Blizzard. Who knew their fanbase very well before they added this race to the game.
Made them as Disney as possible, Added no lore what so ever about them. And threw them all to you, The wolves.

If you wanna direct your displeasure of this at somebody. Aim it at Blizzard for their complete indifference they gave this race when added to the game. When they could have done so much more and you know it.

Its not the Vulpera’s fault their own lore is bad xD wtf. they didn’t write it…

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why relapse now then? You where doing so great.

Because I have fun doing jokes about vulperas?

Maybe the problem is yours, you take them very seriously.

In 1600 post I mention them a douzen of times since 2021.

If that is some kind of obsession for you, it is even more rare that you dedicate yourself to looking at my message history to see how much I talk about them.

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