They have Rexxar and there’s an entire Ogre clan part of the Horde in Feralas.
Taurens are minotaurs.
I love how you try to bring up an argument against a stereotype, then enforce said stereotype lol.
You forgot Cho’gall, Dentarg, King Gordok, Mug’tholl, Mogor the Ogre and lots of other Ogres.
Are you forgetting how powerful and wise Ogre magi are?
Yes I can see why Vulpera would appeal to grown ups… yeah dude.
You are talking about clothes when almost all of the male characters walk around bare chested, like Garrosh, Illidan, Thrall to a certain point lol
And what appeal does Vulpera cater to? LMAO
I love how you make the excuse about Vulpera being put in the game out of nowhere, while the Ogres have been relevant since Warcraft 2. You’re just biased.
As if Vulpera are popular because of your reason… LOL
No that’s a furry thing. And seriously, are you comparing Orc blademasters to weeb culture?
Shamanistic culture is more than that. They’re literally just cannibalistic murderous thieves/scavengers.