Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

You literally wrote more than once random stuff like

“If you dont enjoy classic levelling then you sure as hell wont enjoy TBCC”

and i said 3 times, so 2 more than usual to be understood, that you have no right nor proof to assume other people behavior regarding the game.

nice video lets see the comments

“The real MMO was the friends we made along the way.”

“The root of the problem with modern MMOs is the industry (and players) think an MMO means "boring grindfest with a bunch of fetch quests” when in reality an MMORPG is supposed to be a giant digital D&D session with the server being the DM. This obsession with dungeons and raids and grinding has ruined this genre."

So playing with friends, if friends are at 60 and you still at 10 there is no fun, hence welcome the boost.

thank you to made it clear

You are assuming i have no lv 60 char which is false.

I have already 2 60 and I am using the 58 boost on the druid to farm in TBC because i dont want to play it nor level it rn.

Aside from it polluting the gene pool with bone idle people who demand instant gratification, and instant access NOW NOW NOW, rather than putting any effort into the game? Which goes against the entire ethos of Classic, and undermines everything that it represents?

WoW Classic is not just a game, it is an entire philosophy and state of mind, based upon the idea that MMORPGS should be about journey before destination, rather than ‘destination is the only thing that matters, skip the journey’. That believes that the inconvenience, time investment and effort required to achieve something is a valid and worthy thing in itself, and that being handed everything for free via endless convenience and QOL destroys the experience completely.

This is the reason so many of us campaigned so hard for Classic, and why we never tired of the endless ‘wall of no’ that was shoved into our faces. We KNEW what we wanted from the game, and we also KNEW what we didn’t want!

Pay-to-win boosts represent every single thing we wanted to escape from, the absolute epitome of Retail with it’s hated instant access, instant gratification, so-called ‘Quality of Life’ features, and super-convenience.

We asked for Classic back because we utterly reject everything Retail stands for, and what the developers turned our once beloved game into.

Now you people are doing your best to kill it for us by demanding your damned boosts, your damned convenience, your damned instant gratification, your damned instant access.

You can’t see that, although it may seem like a small thing right now, soon, very soon now Blizzard will nod to themselves and think

"well clearly the player base has lost it’s #nochanges mindset and now want convenience, this support of the boost proves that. So what other cash shop services and retail features can we add?..

And don’t think they won’t, because they will. It’s not a ‘slippery slope’, it’s cold reality of business. If Blizzard can monetise it they will, as demonstrated by a game that contains both a sub, a cash shop, and a box price.

The only way to stop this kind of crap is to stand firm against it - as I expected people on these forums to do!

But that expectation was clearly naive, given the number of lazy people who grasp the chance to always take the path of least resistance, not realising how it’s going to hurt the game over the long term.

And before someone says “Yeah but it’s TBC not Classic” that’s garbage, and you know it. It’s still Classic TBC.

If your friends cant be bothered to either

  1. Help you level or

  2. Create new characters to level with you

Then they ain’t great friends

Thanks for making that clear


wow is just a game stop making it a cult you are creepy

Im still waiting for a valid reason. Your wall of text was not convincing


I help you.

Imagine people that are against same sex marriage, it doesnt affect them but they dont want it to “pollute” something.


He said VALID

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Seems valid to me.

Well sure if assumption without any data are VALID, I mean everything is possible at this point.

He’s expressed his opinions and concerns about the boost like everyone else here.

And some of his opinions are utterly made up in thin air, so “VALID” is a big stretch.

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And right there is your problem. You just don’t care about the game.

Guess what? Other people do, though spookily enough us ‘creepy’ people are aware that it’s a video game. It also happens to be one that people put hours of their free time into, which therefore gives it intrinsic value.

Why not find a guy who puts years of his life into restoring a classic car and tell him: 'wow man u r teh creepy it’s just a car". See what kind of response you get.

No i care about the game but i dont make the game my life reason making myself a fool.

You are talking like if it is a cult, stop it please it is creepy.

People like you that see wow as a cult are the same that want an addon to track people that used the boost to hunt them down like we are back in the 40s which is quite creepy if not worse.

You contradict yourself (again).
If someone does not care about the game it is you. For being stuck in a very outdated mindset. We are in 2021 as you well know and not 2004/2007.

Dont be that grandfather which lives stuck in the past. To be succesfull in 2021 with a product from 2007 you need few adjustments

And yet you’re the one willing to pay real life money to skip ahead in a game that you dismiss.

That seems far more creepy to me.

And with that statement you demonstrate to all and sundry that Retail is the game for you, and you have no place in Classic.

I suggest going back to your Torghast farming and leave Classic to people who actually want to play it.

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