Yes. A Multiplayer massive online game. Multiplayer is a term used when playing a game with more then 1 player.
You guys like to act like players saying no, are against single player people from gearing. As if we have actual motive to
If they made m+ dungeons have a solo mode, do u have any idea how much easier itd be to spam content for gear? Lol.
The issue is we can see how unhealthy it will be while ur blinded by demands.
Do u have any idea how difficult the content would be, to deliever a single player end game equal to m+20 or mythic raiding in a solp enviroment?
Personal responsibility, the higher that is the more difficult it will be.
Casual open world players, would rage hard if it became a thing lmfao. Even 50% of the raiders / m+ players will rage at it, because the difficulty would be immense.
Your responsible. For:
Knowing routes.
Self healing.
Single handerly dealing with affixs.
Tanking each pack of monsters.
Every fights mechanics.
The full extent of Doing all the dps.
Do you have any clue to how many players are carried in content to some extent because we are forced to group together? Lol.
All the pros will go play solo. And the medium / low players will be forced to play with one another. It will be LFRs final state, but game wide lol
The issue is, when ur blinded by a demand for one self, oftenly most wont consider if its actually good for the game.
Look at solo shuffle. Its completely annilhiated the games 3v3s for a mode that killed the entire healer playerbase faster then even this games worst expansions did
But we all demanded it. Because no one took a moment to take the rose tinted glasses off and maybe look at possible failure in its design
You think im against solo play gearing to the max for 0? No. I played guild wars 2 for a long time and was very happy playing the game without gear focused rewards.
You think i wouldnt love to be able to lpg on whenever i liked without consequence? Able to solo a m+ game mode, and see how far i could push?. Id love it. Itd be amazing.
HOH in ffxiv kept me subbed for so long for thst solo challange.
However. I know, itd be really unhealthy from thr game.
M+ solo player, with a 25% chance of dropping loot + vault reward. Would however be awesome, i csnt disagree there lol, the class balance for soloing is horrific. But id choose a class that could do it for sure,
But if you cant accept and look at the fact there will be negstives there will be consequences with these demands. Theres no discussion, because ur not willing to talk about the subject entirely lnly wanting to highlight the good.