Were they right? To a certain extent. Yes. While m+ had positives and defintly was great for players of its audience.
M+ led to the development of lots of systems that are considered unfin
Look at how the games evolved due to how theyve had to try and balance m+ and raiding.
Vault - people unhappy.
Low drop rates - people unhappy.
Tier sets being in m+ - people unhappy.
Tier sets being delayed in m+ - people unhappy
Dungeons are now linear and less creative - unhappy players
Dungeons now all follow a identical path. To fit m+ into them.
Systems which have been continously disliked through and through came in because m+ joined end game pillars.
The pros to m+ are obvious, but to beleive it hasnt generated several effects in itd aftermath which has generated sub losses and also negatively affected the popularity of other modes has been drastic to match.
M+ doesnt give players the same ability as making end gsme solo content awarding the very best rewards.
Heres the fact.
Weather i play in a raid or a group the requirements are
To create or join a group.
Have a tank and healer present. And more importantly in a game mode that the games balance supports.
Solo play, at such difficulty, would require every specc to be equally balanced in healing tanking and dps for such to work.
Now i. Such structral balancing healer and tank roles become obselete, which then progressively will generate more and more leaving thr group enviroment as this would turn groyps and raids from a structured set up to a mass zerg through content.
If you launched m+ on a solo format tomorrow, do u rly beleive in current state they could make it accessible for every class? Let alone specc.
The entire class design would need to change, as i listed above, u would become responsible for all damage healing and tanking in that dungeon,
which means ur dps speccs would need to be able to both tank, interupt all casts, be able to deal with every mechanic while also sustaining the fight.
Lets realistically think about this.
You cant change the fights mechanics, u csnt dull the difficulty, and u csnt remove mechanics. Because the grouped side of content would remain.
So we are looking at every class being able to mechanically deal with fights solo, without making them brain dead in groups.
The logical fix would be, tanks and healers stop existing and everything going into the builds. Every specc able to pick from array of tank / healer / dps benefits, so u could hybridize your specc and class to fit these roles.
So basically. PvP balancing almost.
Theres a huuuuge change in class design direction, and while sure may end up positive. M+ did damage raiding, and pvp heavily, it just did.
And sure, id love to switch gearing off and be able to do content for the sheer challange rather then the headache of continously chasing a ilevel to gain access to content. I know the process dont swll well.
At no point does my argument say it couldnt happen, id be happy to see it lol, but u bet ur bottom dollar id abandon everyone in a heart beat.
Why sit in a queue for 45minutes waiting on tanks and healers, when i can instantly do solo. Lol. Why would i do it? Its time efficent to solo the content.
But WoW would need to delete the holy trinity for it to work. You cant solo on such a difficulty without that happening.
Do i beleive pve content being soloable be a benefit to the game? No doubt.
Do i think the players demanding for this would manage the content? Absolutely no
Do i think there are negatives? Yes.
Heres the thing
Soloing. +20, sure mobs health would need shrinking. And mobs would prolly need to be less clustered.
But theyre not going to delete mechanics, do u have any idea, the difficulty of this contdnt would be on at +20 solo??.
And this is the grand part which generates.
Remember when legions mage tower came? How many solo players got real unhappy with it?
Not only would such a thing be heavvilly meta requiring, itd also require flawless play, and it rly would we are talking 100% player responsibility, most players in WoW cant manage the 20% player responsibility thats demanded in m+
The players demsnding this content, wont be capable of doing the content. The issue is, no ones considering that fact. It will just be the next complaint that the contents too hard.
M+ damaged the game, just as much as improved it. Which side of the fence u sit on regarding that will depend on who u are.
However, m+ didnt require the class design philsophy to change as much as solo content would.
We can appreciate the idea, and understand why a audience of players want it. But u cant ignore negatives.
Do u honestly beleive solo players would on a majority be capable of the content? We have seen this before in mage towers go very wrong.