Why Vulpera are great 🦊

You may Wonder why are the Vulpera great?

What makes them special?

Why the fuss?

Well I have one answer for that:

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Meerah’s Jukebox is one of the best rewards I have gotten in the game.

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We need more of this.

Horde failed hard in the allied race getting. The Alliance has the better deal by far.


Yes. I’m jealous of the Alliance Diaper gnome

I want to be a Diaper gnome too.

The mechagnomes have Mechagon city. Vulpera are homeless. Case closed.

Soon they’ll be the leading members of the horde council and given residence in the restored western part of Silvermoon :slight_smile:

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Vulpera is the best allied race lol. Diaper gnomes are the worst. Guess who has what


I would switch in a heartbeat.

  1. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t care where the race lives as long as they look cool. To me, Mechagnomes don’t.

  2. Vulpera are nomads. They like to travel. Yet, Vol’dun will always be their ancestral home.


I don’t care about the looks. What matters are the RP opportunities. And mechagnomes have a massive hub thanks to Mechagon. That is much more worth then just the aesthetics.

And what’s wrong with a Desert? Are you saying Deserts are ugly?

As a Arab I’m offended

You only think vulperas are great because you’re in a furry fandom.

Dw, I have a vulpera alt too

Dunno about that. There is a vulpera sitting on a rock in the Vol’dun hub that implies they come from somewhere “across the ocean”, which would mean they’re not native to Vol’dun either.



I rather have a massive city. And all alliance allied races have a hub on their own. Meanwhile Mag’har and Vulpera have nothing. It is obvious that the alliance won big times with their hubs. That is not up for debate.


Back to the original Topic

Vulpera are great. No one can say otherwise. :heart:

UwU :fox_face: :hocho:

Vulpera are furry bait. No reasonable person does serious RP with them.

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Lies. Vulpera are great for RP

I played a Vulpera before on Argent Dawn, and I had a blast

We made camp in the Northern barrens, and chatted. Then we traveled all the way to Azhara to make trade with people we encounter along the way.

Then we went swimming in the pool up in the mountains in Azshara.

One of the best Rp’s I’ve done. We get to experience so many beautiful things on our travels and our Caravan is always with us :heart_decoration:

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here is a list of my favorite races. As you can see Vulpera are not among them.

Oh no Ameerah. Vulpera aren’t one of Erevien’s favourite races. This must be very sad for you.

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