Why vulpera?

we know from the various books that stormwind is gigantic though brig depending on the book you could fit the whole us into stormwind’s property :stuck_out_tongue:

:frowning: i know you don’t like that person and want to have nothing to do with the thread!

But think of all the nice other players in this thread that want vulpera or can be had a good discussion with.

Don’t let one person get you out of this thread!

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Because vulpera makes for great content on the forums

Man, thanks for reminding me of that April’s Fools joke Blizzard did a long time ago.

I’d say they are much more along your ‘Holy’ type of Paladin, obviously every race has its exceptions, but Blood Elves are the only ones who seem to have ‘weaponised’ Paladins., conglomerating them into a coagulate unit, whereas with humans, Dwarves and the other races, they are very much individuals. Even the Silver Hand are not as regimented as the Blood Knights.

Because they’re still pretty harsh in their outlook? Remember the Blood Knights are just one part of the Elves. Just because they may have -seemingly gone all happy clappy (Which they really haven’t) Doesn’t mean that the society as a whole has gone all pure and sweet. They’re still happy to chuck Mana Bombs around (Thunder Isle) and their Farstriders are still sent out on Murder Death Kill operations, use poison and torture people. They’re really not good people.
I mean you mention the Elves from Lord of the Rings, if you’ve done anything more than watched the films, even -they- aren’t good people.

Elves are horrible people dressed up posh, basically.

Yep. I agree. Whilst obviously customisation is nice, and isn’t really going to effect people on non-RP realms, any Sandfury heading into Orgrimmar on an RP realm is going to have a bad time of it. They’re not Horde. They’re Enemies of the Horde. Simple as.

The only bad thing they got rid of was draining Mu’ru. Oh, and using Fel Crystals to keep the buildings floating (Because remember, they didn’t actually live off fel, they lived off mana drained from living creatures, which they still can do, just they don’t -need- to.) They’re still the same cruel, angular mana-vampires they were, and as I say, the Blood Knights are not a barometer for all Blood Elves. The Magisters and Farstriders are still business as it was before.

Well, I kind of can, because you look at Vulpera and see ‘cute’, I look at Vulpera and think ‘vicious scavenger/survivor’. Maybe that’s because I’ve lived in cities with Urban Foxes, and now live in the country with your general wild foxes. I don’t mean like, they were my housemates or anything, Coventry wasn’t quite that feral :stuck_out_tongue:
Fact is most predators will attack prey, kill one and drag it off to eat. Pretty standard.

For some reason (I don’t think anyone has worked out why) Foxes don’t do that. They will, if they can, break into a chicken coop, (Or a.n. other smaller animal0 and kill a chicken. Then, instead of eating the chicken, or dragging it away, will proceed to go on a murder spree, killing far more creatures than they actually need, or possibly -can- consume.

That’s pretty mad behaviour for a predator. I mean there is no reason for them to do that. Lions don’t do that, Tigers don’t do that, even Hyena don’t do that. Wolves certainly don’t. For some reason Foxes do, they are like the villain in a slasher movie, they will go in and kill and kill and keep on killing till there is nothing left to kill. Then eat the one thing they killed, and leave the other corpses.

They’re not ‘cute’.

Would you be as offended by it if another race’s character gave you a peck on the cheek for doing them a solid favour? Because that seems to be the cultural reason. Why do you have to sexualise it?

What you on about? They look like bipedal Fennec Foxes. Fennec Foxes live in the desert. Vulpera come from the desert.
What is it about them that you find sexualised?

I so want playable Gnolls…

I know that, I more meant that by the ‘in-game’ depiction it is bloody tiny :smiley:


you think your safe from Vulpera joining Alliance ?

no ur not Vulperas everywhere !


We are the Vulpera.
Existence, as you know it, is over.
You will be assimilated.
We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us.
Resistance is futile.

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