Why vulpera?

OP be like “zug zug” irl too :open_mouth:

imgur com/BMFmEJ4.gif

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There’s more NSFW art on Furaffinity tagged Tauren than Vulpera, just thought you should know. They are definitely considered furry, because minotaurs fall under that umbrella in the first place. Seems like you have some kind of weird bias towards big/muscular, but smaller and not muscular is too much for you given how much you hate Vulpera?

Btw as you put it in one of your posts, ‘cope’. Ogres are unlikely to ever be added in if they didn’t get ushered in during the allied races era.

Because Vulpera haven’t existed as long as Tauren? And I doubt Tauren is the sole WoW race on that … site…
Also do you know how much you’re enforcing the stereotype with that knowledge you have there? hahahaha

Sure, Tauren are actually the highest tagged WoW race on FA. They’re also the most tagged furred wow race on other, non-furry aligned websites. Add in Minotaur and the numbers go even higher.

I mean by that logic, you’re enforcing the stereotype on your knowledge of FA alone. Yor have a lot of logical fallacies in your arguments, you’re really bad at it.

Also yep, I’m a furry. Be mad about it all you want, it amuses and entertains me greatly. Knowing when I /lick someone I might live in their head rent free is worth it. Just a protip, there’s a lot of ‘bara’ art out there. Which is what male orcs, and tauren definitely exemplify. Just be more secure in yourself, don’t let your fear of others and what they’re doing drive your hate in the future.

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People will always have disgusting fetishes about everything. Vulpera plays onto that. If they added fat orcs to the game I would say the same thing.

Join the crusade against vulperas!!!

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What caused such hate?

Show me on the doll where the guy in a fursuit touched you.

Holy cow (sic) dude…

Chill. Seriously…

What a person does in their private is entirely up to them. Im sure you have something in your life someone finds disgusting.

Yes no need to integrate that into the game

Horde are losing the war in BFA.

“Let us send an envoy to the Ogres? The Vrykul? …The Naga!!!”

Said the Orcish warlord, swearing fealty to his ancesters.

“No”. Said Blizzard. “Twitter demands we have furry fox people”.

Grom Hellscream turns in his grave.

The real Grom Hellscream, not alternate-universe-Star Trek-Grom.

God help us. The story of this game has become a joke.

Does anyone still care about this drivel? Speak up, if you do. Elborate.


You really nailed it with that part.

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So, you think being muscular isn’t fetishized… But think being ‘fat’ would be, or is it simply because you think that one in particular is ‘gross’? Just trying to understand your thought process here.

Asmond plays Vulpera !

Muscles are default when you are in a world about war and conflict, I don’t even see how some pipsqueek furball can be taken so easily. I find it amazing this whole thread is nothing but furries coping that you call out Vulpera’s for what they are, a furry race.

“but but Tauren” “but orcs and muscles…!” = cope
Vulpera are furries, epitome of furries. Blatant fan service towards furries.

Like female fantasy books, series or movies for women to read and watch, ofcourse the main character will be a pretty girl, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Ofcourse guys are into stuff like Conan and Commando, cause they want to be those guys too. There’s nothing sexual about it.

You’re reaching. You even admit you are a furry so I’m right.

‘Fat’ tends to happen with nobles, and actually very common among War and Conflict in general. See Medieval knights and such.

Talking about coping when your thread is literally you malding about getting Vulpera over Ogres… Yet you want Ogres as a ‘main race’ and not ‘allied’ anyways. Pretty sure you made this thread to try to cope.

Tauren again, are a furry race. Just like Worgen, Pandaren, etc. Evidence has shown, Tauren were more fan service towards furries.

and no, I’m not reaching. Anything you don’t like is apparently ‘digusting fetish’. You probably even think furry is a fetish, but I guess you have unga Orc brain. ‘FuRrY bAd’ in 2021 is cute.

and to what evidence? the number of tags of a 16 year old race vs a 1 year old race on some kind of “site”? LOL

Worgen were technically in game/around the same as Tauren for WoW. Though with a little less time they still don’t have the same numbers as Tauren. Even Worgen+Vulpera which supposedly are ‘all about that’ numbers still don’t reach. So yes. Tauren were more fan service towards furries, if you think that Blizzard putting any races into a game is ‘fan service’.

Though I’m curious why you think something being furry is bad in the first place? Please, out your true beliefs and the reasons why.

well tauren and worgen are not furry only Vulpera and Pandaria are furry becourse u must have a tail to be furry … and to be a real furry u have to regestier ur self in furry con. :stuck_out_tongue:

You have to be joking, they came 7 years later.

rainfurrest is a good introduction towards furries

Tauren and Worgen are mythical creatures. That’s what makes them different from the rest of Pandaren and Vulpera. I could let Pandaren slide, even though Pandaren reveal trailer is the most disliked video on WoW’s channel as of now xD.

can they atleast give some kinda hair styles to Vulpera so i dont have to be bald ?
atlest worgen and taurens has hair styles not only fur styles …
So long my head is bald i feel like beeing asmodbald 2.0 …