Why would anyone even be scared of Tyrande

I mean in 8.1 she has proven to be weaker than Nathanos in a 1v1 and Nathanos is just a regular undead human archer.

Why would anyone think that she can make an impact in the faction conflict with her few night elves that are left after Teldrassil?


Because power levels are :cow2::poop:.

Characters are as dangerous as the plot demands in the moment.


Counter-question: Why do you want people to be scared of her?

The war seems to be over though.

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Why would anyone even want to die? Why would anyone even want to play a gnome?

I mean, you’re asking what are essentially rhetorical questions here.

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I think Wimbert already hit the nail. There is nothing more to add I think.

I think that’s game mechanics, don’t take it to seriously. Nathanos and Tyrande “fight” in order for us to do something.
Tyrande show the Valkyrs rise the fallen nelfs. Ethics and logic makes the Valkyrs the prime targets. I think she did the right think.

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But those aren’t rhetorical questions at all

Well you’d think that the Horde would be scared of the powers of Elune’s Vengeance, but considering they can deal with that only using 1 human archer they probably shouldn’t.

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Let’s be clear I hate Nathanos Blightcaller, but calling him a simple undead archer is underplaying it, he is a very capable fighter who has matched Gen Greymane in combat. Nevertheless he is no match for Tyrande, the Priestess who has destroyed armies of demons,satyrs,undead, called upon unbreakable shields, gave incredible blessings to her troops and even killed an Emerald dragon with a single spell. Add to all of those she has now ascended to become the avatar of Elune’s wrath, the same Elune that can cleanse a Dragon Aspect in seconds and turn them into constellation (That power is beyond the Titans even).
Finally Nathanos was not fighting 1vs1 he had an army of undead/dark rangers with him and 2 valkyr empowering and healing them,Tyrande and Malfurion overpowered them and defeated them. If the battle Had continued they would have all been dead, there is a reason why he screamed for everyone to flee because he would have shared the same fate as Brynja.

This is both sad and true, however some characters have displayed abilities to massacre large armies or even threaten the entire planet,they should be considered a bit higher on the list than regular warriors.

You forgot one more question,fixed it for you.


Given how he led us to victory in the war and avoided another Siege of Orgrimmar, while at the same time ensuring what is essentially a permanent military alliance, No. He was stupid to let Tyrandumb negotiate with the nightborne though.

He did none of that, he would not have survived his first assault without the intervention of Jaina Proudmore.

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He did all of that. Maybe catch up on the lore of 8.2.5 Also, following that logic, he would have won the war before it even started if Shaw wasn’t dumbed down in Before the Storm, and Anduin himself wouldn’t have needed any intervention from Jaina if he wasn’t dumbed down during the Battle of Lordaeron.

You use that a lot, a silly excuse, he is incompetent and a failure, people like you give him credit for ending the war while all that credit goes to Saurfang.

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Because it’s the reason. Anduin is described as wise beyond his years, he would have easily realized he needed to counter the blight-

And no, 90% of the credit goes to Anduin, even Saurfang aknowledges this. Anduin is the one who set Saurfang on that path.

Also, at least his city is not a smoldering ruin.

But he didn’t hence incompetent. Head canon is irrelevant.

That city is in ruins once again because of him, ‘‘his Wise beyond his year strategy’’ is surely paying off, great track record lol, by the end of 8.3 he would have lead the Alliance to ruins.

I just told you why he didn’t. Besides, you missed the point. I didn’t say he didn’t act in an incompetent way. I said he acted in an incompetent way because if he weren’t dumbed down the story Blizzard is trying to tell wouldn’t have happened, and this is obvious, because Anduin is not described as an incompetent fool, but as a smart leader wise beyond his years.

And anyway, if that’s your point, you shouldn’t single out Anduin, since that’s a mistake every Alliance leader gathered there made, including (but not limited to) Greymane and Alleria.

That city is in ruins once again because of him, ‘‘his Wise beyond his year strategy’’ is surely paying off, great track record lol, by the end of 8.3 he would have lead the Alliance to ruins.

No. That city is in ruins because the night elves are garbage defenders and Turalyon didn’t lend his spaceship.

And no, actually, given how there was no indication that the Alliance was on the point of annihilation, he wouldn’t have led the Alliance to any doom.

Also, Stormwind still stands and isn’t a smoldering pile of ashes.

And I just told you it was your head canon making your excuse invalid, the events occurred in which he nearly got his entire army killed by blight.
He also played into Sylvanas’ game every time and got countless of soldiers killed.

Did you read a Good war? I suggest you do because the Night Elves are stated to be one of the fiercest fighters in Azeroth.

the Alliance that has stood for years is crumbling, his allies ignore his missives, King Greymane is disgruntled with the charade he pulled at Orgrimmar. Wait till 8.3 I bet you’re in for a surprise.

He and every other Alliance leader did too.

And no, it’s not headcanon, it’s a fact that he was dumbed down, because he was described as smart beyond his years in the Legion official website.

Did you read a Good war? I suggest you do because the Night Elves are stated to be one of the fiercest fighters in Azeroth.

Let me play your game too.

I don’t care about your headcanon, I don’t care how night elves were described. They lost because they are garbage defenders.

the Alliance that has stood for years is crumbling, his allies ignore his missives, King Greymane is disgruntled with the charade he pulled at Orgrimmar. Wait till 8.3 I bet you’re in for a surprise.

Only Tyrande ignores his missives. Greymane will be muzzled as always. The Alliance is not crumbling, it just won the war.

Also, Stormwind stands glorious and triumphant while Darnassus is a pile of ashes.

The only surprise we’ll see in 8.3 is Tyrande on the encounter journal (for the second time).

Yes,it is headcanon, he is described as wise beyond his years which is great, however his is clearly not wise enough.

I just gave you a proof to back my claim. You choosing to ignore is pretty much how you argument it seems.

What did they win exactly? is it the Kul tiran fleet? Is it Arathi? Is it Darkshore? How many died ? And for what? for nothing thanks to Anduin’s incompetence.

Keep dreaming.


You don’t even need to be wise beyond your years to realize you need blight against an enemy who has been using the blight for years, when invading her capital.

I just gave you a proof to back my claim. You choosing to ignore is pretty much how you argument it seems.

That’s literally your argument about Anduin in Lordaeron. Thanks for further proving my point, but I didn’t need your help.

What did they win exactly? is it the Kul tiran fleet? Is it Arathi? Is it Darkshore? How many died ? And for what? for nothing thanks to Anduin’s incompetence.

They won the war. The bulk of the Kul Tiran fleet still stands. Arathi and Darkshore were leaning towards the Alliance as per Nathanos’ statement in 8.1.5. Many will die in a world war. They died to protect their homes from a genocidal tyrant. Anduin is not incompetent since he won the war and ensured that his city wouldn’t be turned into a campfire, unlike Tyrande.

Keep dreaming.

Keep dreaming.

Also, Stormwind still stands strong and proud while Darnassus has been 404’d from Azeroth.