Why would anyone even be scared of Tyrande

A general remark. 50% of the army is usually a crushing defeat in history. I don’t think we must assume that Zandalari and Kul Tiran fleet have 0 ships left. I also think that Aliance have the larger army but not significantly larger. Battle of Marathon, Battle of Salamis, Battle of Austerlitz are examples of the larger army loosing the battle. Horde has adequate deterrence capability. The only winner so far is the hungering darkens.

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They were teleported down onto Drustvar. How else but by using the Vindicar would that happen.

Drustvar and the zone with Boralus.

Portals, of course.


Light beacons. Deployed by the Vindicar.

That isn’t a Light beacon on the picture.

There’s no source that those beacons can be deployed only from the Vindicaar.

The Darkshore warfront was quite different than Arathi, it had an entire scenario,cut scenes, and lore around it. It is possible for the story to continue in the heroic version and the Night Elf Victory cut scene to play at the end, if not it means the Night Elves only appeared in 8.1 which is a big disappointment.
We should be ready this week, because the voice overs will get datamined and we can have a better perspective on the patch unless they make them encrypted or something.

Really really doubt they’re going to continue that lore. First of all they already said that Tyrande got her revenge in 8.1. Then, they planned to scrap the victory of the night elves because they remembered to never give the night elves a single victory in wow, ever.

You shouldn’t get your hopes up, getting Nathanos HP to 30% is about as much revenge as we will get, and it stopped right there.

not realy considering the majority of the night elf force was in feralas, at start there realy was not a huge Night elf army in darkshore to begin whit even, the bulk of the army, including most chips where in feralas, a part that sylvanas and not even Saurfang thought of at all, meening they could easily have just walked back up through desolace and stonetalon, and Nathanos and his troops would have not been able to do anything.

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