Why would anyone even be scared of Tyrande

and how many times must it be thrown in your face?
He said we are done.
not we would have to replan.
Not any indication there would be a continuation if they failed.
He said we are done, in the most depression and reluctant manner.

it is very simple that assault was an all or Nothing.

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How hard can it be to understand that we are considering an ideal scenario where Anduin doesn’t rush to attack Orgrimmar?

We have done no such thing.
You legitimately said.

and I quote.

You are indicating that Anduin could had won a War, where he didn’t even had the forces to attack one Fortress without the aid of the Rebels.
Do you honestly think he could win a war against a ruler that does not sleep, does not require food and raise the dead to her service?

That’s utterly insane.
wining a war of attrition against the Undead?
Are you for real?

Yes, which means that he said that he wouldn’t be able to win the Siege of Orgrimmar, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he wouldn’t have been able to win an attrition war if he never attacked Orgrimmar.

Also, Orgrimmar is a castle and traditionally castle have been defended by much smaller garrisons than the invading force, so it’s not really surprising that Anduin wouldn’t be able to win.

Also, you do realize that the Forsaken are not everlasting and that not only are their Val’kyrs extremely fragile, but if the Alliance isn’t just butchered in one big battle they’ll hardly increase their armies, right? And that the “oh so mighty” Forsaken were badly losing the war as per Nathanos’ statement in 8.1.5.

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Creatures can go toe to toe with Malfurion Stormrage is fragile…
also does every person forget the blight?
You really think Anduin would commit to the aid of Saurfang if there was another way to win?
Stormwind and most of the Alliance is depleted.
the Legendary Kul’tiran fleet, the alliance fleet and the Horde fleet are gone.

So long as Sylvanas don’t have a Teldrassil moment but a Siege of Lordaeron take on things, Anduin would never be able to beat her.

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Creatures that can be defeated by a level 20 adventurer in a low level quest in Andorhal.

Since the Alliance completely forgot their spaceship which allows instant teleportation and would have secued Alliance victory in the War of Thorns, it wouldn’t surprise me if the blight was also forgotten one day.

Anduin himself aknowledges they could have won the war after the Battle of Dazar’alor, he literally chooses not to to avoid civilian casualties.

The Kul Tiran fleet is not and never was gone, this is never stated anywhere, and the Alliance fleet is also not gone because the Kaldorei still hav etheir fleet.

Also, you do realize that Sylvanas nuked her own capital and lost her dominion over Lordaeron in the Battle of Lordaeron, right?

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Genn assumed they could win.
Jaina told him not to be like Sylvanas.

followed by Kul’tiran wreckages all over the place.
the Fleets are gone, the quest on the Alliance and Horde side tells you this was the whole Horde fleet, and this was the whole Alliance fleet and as seen in the Cinematic included Kul’tiras, as seen by Shandriss presence included the Night elves.

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Nathanos literally tells Sylvanas that victory is within the Alliance’s grasps.

followed by Kul’tiran wreckages all over the place.

There’s no indication that that was the entire Kul Tiran fleet. Also the Kul Tiran fleet is usually distinguished from the Alliance fleet when characters refer to it. Also the Kaldorei fleet is canonically still in Kalimdor, so not destroyed. Also Ironforge produces its own aerial fleet of gunships and gyrocopters.

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not Certain.

Jaina does not speak about the Kul’tiran fleet she speaks of the Navy searching for Sylvanas.
Accept it your precious fleet is gone.
Only the Navy remains.

Not only does he say that victory is within their grasps, but he also says that they are tightening its grips and winning on every front, as every outpost say. A statement further reinforced by Shaw, who claims they can win the war in a matter of weeks.

Jaina does not speak about the Kul’tiran fleet she speaks of the Navy searching for Sylvanas.
Accept it your precious fleet is gone.
Only the Navy remains.

That doesn’t mean anything.

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I swear…

Azshara: We have a bargain, then. I will bring both fleets crashing to the ocean floor, and your champion will deliver the dagger to me. Sylvanas: And in turn, you will have the key required to free the Old God from his bonds... and leave him vulnerable. Azshara: You wound me, Warchief. After all, I am as dedicated to my master as you are to your subjects. Sylvanas: Indeed. Just be certain that once you have what you need, you dispose of your guests. Let none of the "heroes" escape. Azshara: I admire your ruthlessness, Windrunner. It seems our interests are aligned... at present. Sylvanas: At present. Azshara: Treacherous Banshee! Do you think I am blind to the darkness you seek to unleash?

the Kul’tiran fleet had been made a part of the Alliance fleet as we can see by the cinematic itself.
doe sit mean Kul’tiras is with no ships? No.
But is the legendary fleet gone?
Yes sunken to the depths with the rest of the Alliance fleet.

Except, you know, for the part that the Kaldorei fleet was distinguished from the Alliance fleet during the War of Thorns despite the Kaldorei being part of the Alliance, so Kul Tiras having rejoined the Alliance doesn’t necessarily mean that the Kul Tiran fleet is considered part of the Alliance fleet. And of course the Kaldorei fleet wasn’t in Nazjatar, neither was the Vindicaar nor the gunships and gyrocopters that Ironforge and Gnomeregan produce, which comprise the Alliance aerial fleet.

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Look at the Cinematic…
it has Kul’tiran ships.
Look at the wreckages all around Naz- land Kul’tiran.

this conversation is done, unless you can bring some new substance that proves your claim of the Kul’tiran fleet to still be Operational.

as for the Vindicaar it’s been in use the whole war.
the Gunships and other things were used in pre-dazaor’alot invasions and were demolished by the Horde’s Azerite air weapons.

The dialogue Anduin has after the defeat of N’zoth says that the Kul Tiran fleet is scouring the seas in search for Sylvanas…

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So you are saying the Kul’tiran fleet still exists yet Anduin had to throw everything for that one Assault.
Da fu- Blizzard.

Saurfang died for nothing.

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Look at the Siege of Boralus cinematic —> It has 10 more ships.

It is you who needs to bring actual evidence that the entire Kul Tiran fleet was at Nazjatar.

The Vindicaar has never been used in the war. And the Alliance doesn’t have only 3 gunships.

So the Light forged just appeared out of Thin air each time they nearly undid a Horde assault upon an Alliance Zone.
it was very much active and beaconed the Light forge down in rows
that each time nearly ended the Horde’s assault til we pulled Azerite weaponry on it.

well in Legion they only had a few left, at the WoT they only had a few left.
But heck numbers don’t matter and Blizzard killed of another Horde Character just for the Heck of it, it seems.

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Or they used mage portals?

well in Legion they only had a few left, at the WoT they only had a few left.

Source? I don’t recall Blizzard ever mentioning the status of the Ironforge/Gnomeregan aerial fleet.

a good war.
Saurfang’s thoughts concerning Genn’s attack on Sylvanas.

He’s talking about Stormwind’s gunships, which are few in numbers after the War against the Legion. He never mentions the gunships produced by Ironforge and, presumably, Gnomeregan.