I never post, cause I usually don’t care, but this one hit me hard.
I had a lot of fun in Torghast prenerf. I made sure to check every corner and kill every mob on each run, because it was a lot of fun for me. I like having to sit down and eat between pulls and wait for my cooldowns as a rogue. It was the last bit of somewhat difficult solo content in WoW and you just had to take it down…
You catered to people that say that torghast is trash or extremely boring and guess what, they’ll still tell you to just mail them the soul ash.
Torghast already didn’t force you to play each layer over, as you got ALL the soul ash for completing the highest layer.
You already got a lot more soul ash for lower layers, where higher ones were supposed to be a little extra, that only experienced players could get.
And I’m not opposed to making it easier for people that can’t beat it, but make it a CHOICE. Make a normal and heroic mode so both sides can enjoy it! Why kill the fun for people that liked the difficulty? I used to replay layers with no reward just for fun, now I don’t want to play it, even for the soul ash…
Some people are going to say: ‘Just wait for twisted corridors’, but we all know how those are going to end up. They’re either gonna be released with all the nerfs or get nerfed down the line, because people want the MOUNT and they can’t get it! Just like they couldn’t get soul ash…
Blizzard, please make normal and heroic mode, don’t force everyone into one playstyle.
Hope some of you can see my point
It is a shame that Blizzard caters content for people that don’t enjoy the content. But it’s a trend of Blizzards.
I’ll miss waiting on my CD’s and timing my Earth Ele’s + BL’s. Some of the changes are nice, like better starting powers (some of them really sucked and felt bad to get) but overall I think it’s a little too much for classes like Pally and Shaman.
Layer 4 of anything last week was harder than the layer 8 upper reaches i did now…
Torghast with the nerfs is fine. It’s finally for everyone , shorter and easier to do. Which is what it should have been since start.
Wouln’t have minded if they nerfed l1-6 or something. But left the higher layers as it is. So that the so called “try-hards” can also be happy.
it is for everyone,
Not everyone have same skill level.
Learn, get better, succeed.
Torghast was more time consuming than hard for me. I could deal with quitting the wing on floor 3 if I would deem the powers underwhelming.
All I want is to remove the damn random mobs spawning on you.
I don’t like being forced to battle when I am solving a puzzle while also dodging the white aoe thingies or sitting to eat (in game, yeah?). I wanna be able to get up from my chair and go for a piss for god’s sake.
At the very least let me do a /sit to temporarily remove the debuff.
This is the main problem with torghast
Time consuming =/= “Hard”… it just became a drag, and with this suppose to last the expansion you’d be burning the vast majority out a few months in.
Don’t do it. It’s not mandatory unless you’re going for world firsts. Remember?
simply put the crybabies won.
As I said in another thread. You can just do a higher layer.
Layers will in time become infinite, and once you climb you don’t have to pick any lower layer. You can pretty much costumize it for your prefered difficulty, and reap all the rewards for the lower ones, in that same go.
Meanwhile, only the first 3 layers are sorta mandatory which is nice for casuals people who dislikes Torghast.
Ridiculous. I thought Torghast was going to be similar to the Proving Grounds. Highest level should have been equivalent to the Endless Wave 30 in the proving grounds, so there is always something to strive towards.
Why does EVERYONE deserve to be able to complete the hardest level, straight out of the gate?
Yeah those respawn too rapidly. It’s like “You’re being hunted” every 30 seconds or so, then wham!
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So now they turned it into mindless soul ash farm,how disapointing.
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Yeah, just finished a layer 8 because i was curious, it’s like a complete joke compared to what it was yesterday. It was challenging yesterday, still did upper reaches in 5 tries, the other in 2, now its just a oneshot nonsense for those type of players who go queue to lfr to afk.
It’s getting really boring that snowflakes always get their content nerfs instead of getting good. I blame Blizzard as well though. They should just say what people with common sense do: “People don’t have to clear everything on day 1, get better, get better gear and then come back and do it.”
Even if some people can’t do it, so what? They mess out on like… less than a hundred soul ashes/week? It’s a shame that they are so scared of their own playerbase.
Oh be quiet, there’ll be more layers added with the “Infinite” one [18] arriving at some point for those seeking a challenge, meanwhile more people will be able to do Twisting Corridors Layer 8 sooner for the sought after mount to mount up in the Maw.
Rather hypocritical to be crying about “crybabies”… 
Layer 6 was a blast, tough but not impossible and it was a nice little challenge in its own way. I was looking forward to trying layer 8 etc over the next few days.
Shame that it will now be the same at 8 as previously at 6. Never really thought it was hard tbh. (I understand that busier players felt missed runs wasted their time).
I hope it’s not going to be faceroll from now on…
I mean we gotta keep in mind that the average wow player is really really casual these days. I am by no mean an hardcore elitist but I am pretty sure that if you raid and progress on normal difficulty these days you are already far above the community average. So from a business perspective it makes sense to catter to the larger part of the community.
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What does the “casual” do with all that soul ash from higher difficulty?