A very good stand point that a lot of players and devs forget. WoW’s biggest sales’s pitch was the open world.
No wonder you could do it. Unholy dk with all his toolkit is not even melee, its rdps in plate with dots, pet, coils and attack for 30m.
You could simply kill the mob with plague dots and pet.
Ret pala has no dots and you have to face this mob to do some dps.
I’m playing a blood DK, not unholy. I’ve never been unholy, like, ever. If I’ve dpsed as a DK, it’s been as frost. I hate pets.
Why not? People complete content and they are happy. Happy players pay the bills
If blizzard had the data that it was fine and tortureghast was full of happy little campers it wouldn’t have been nerfed. Even the ones defending it to the death know that. They would have liked nothing else other than to let us see the data of how successful it was.
At this point it’s just soar grapes you didn’t get your way. Vote with your wallet and leave. See if you’re missed.
Yes, because Unholy plays exactly as Джифорз said. You never, ever want to be in melee and your main bread and butter is not wound management.
I really have no clue about unholy at all, I haven’t looked at the spec even, lol.
Than how much time did it take you to kill 625k HP mob as bdk?
Think of Survival or Feral with DK bolted on + some destro stuff.
I don’t know? I didn’t time it and my details addon has since long replaced the segments from torghast with dungeon runs.
-static noise-
post edited
Pretty much the vast majorities view… https://youtu.be/MCAQ9rI-7Gw
It must have been at least 10 min for this 1 mob or even more cuz bdk is the weakest tank of all in terms of dps + you were hiding behind the corner.
I personally don’t believe this at all. Bdk has no cc and no mobility to get away from this guy when he is 10 stacks. You also always need to hit something to heal so you couldn’t hide behind wall all the time.
I will believe you completed layers 5-6 as bdk. But defenitely not layer 8 prenerf.
That’s why you line of sight dance. Far easier as melee than as a caster.
I went with a deathcoil goes brrrrrrrr build. It’s not a low amount of dps. I pulled 16k dps on the boss.
Resets my lichborne. Had this at 30 sec reduction every time I death striked.
Makes me stronger by death coiling myself, had this at 75% per death coil.
Had several of this power, can’t remember how many exactly.
And this was what made it deathcoil go brrrrrrr:
When did this nerf happen? Yesterday?
Kinda gutted a little, not because of difficulty but i soloed L6 on reset day (Upper reaches) and I wanted to see whether i could do the other two as well but was waiting until just before w/e, now i guess it will be easier. Those imperial dudes were a pain in the backside but yeah as other said a combination of LoS and interupts usually got them i found. By the time i was at the last one I could facetank them due to my power combo.
Not a bad thing, but I was looking forward to seeing if I could deal with the “legendary layer 8” the forums spoke of.
Except I never look at the clock when doing TH because I feel engaged with the content and during islands, I was looking at the clock al the time because it wasn’t difficult nor engaging
Now, because of whiners, we gonna get another Island level content. Slow clap for the whining mob to ruin the game
The majority shoul be held over a barrel for you? No, please leave.
“Some of these changes have already gone live with hotfixes over the last 24 hours, and the rest will be applied to the game today (and possibly tomorrow).”
Posted yesterday at 9pm server time
Okay ty, that was quick then.
Should tried to push higher on reset day but lazy lazy lazy