Why you kill Torghast?

What majority? :man_shrugging:t2:

People hated Torghast because in order to get power in PvE/PvP they had to do Torghast first. And whether run will be successful depends on powers and types of elites/minibosses/bosses which both are… RNG! My arena partner has really tight playing times due to job and family, so when he logs in we want to spend that time doing something fun, like M+ or arenas. And few days ago we had 2 hours wasted in Torghast just to find out each time last boss/miniboss was overtuned.

If braggers/flexers want Torghast to be hard - OK, but ask Blizzard to make soul ash lootable from other sources. Forcing someone to do something they don’t like in order to be effective at content they like is bad and last 2 xpacs prooved it.


The forum one, reddit one, tweeter one, the one you can ask in torghast general chat and best of all the one that took your lollipop 🙋

Dunno why you needed to sneak in “flexers” when everyone and their dog wants more sources of soul ash.

Yep and live torghast was tuned up from beta so it’s harder than when they were testing it.

Because majority of Torghast defenders are people playing OPs and/or having luck; and as you know, from International Rule of Self-Esteem, if you’re good at computer games you’re much better person than everyone else.

It was actually easier to clear layer 8 on live even after the buffs than in the beta due to the test characters being locked into venthyr and you didn’t have more than basic conduits and only stat sticks as trinkets. No enchants either. Stuck at ilvl 180 too.

First time hearing of that, and I don’t know why it would matter in the case of WoW topic.

If you are better at the game = you are better at the game, being a better person has 0 influence over that.

They keep bragging that its so easy and that anyone can do it if they “git gud”

Who cares?

You gget lucky with anima’s. Get that into your narrow mind for once.

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Yes, and…?

I am going to level with you : “gid gud” is tldr of “read a spec guide, research what you are getting into, get some add ons and muscle memory”.

In the same time “well you got lucky/your spec is OP” is usually “well I don’t care about your experience”.

RNG powers dont improve skill. If a person can do it with OP powers but cannot without , then its a problem

I mean…

I have done some “omega busted runs” and some “bloody mawrats” runs. The end result was that the latter took more time. I would like to see a “no power run” at one point too (outside of masochism).

Can you make it to the first boss in slay the spire with what you’re just starting with? Most likely not. Rogue-likes are built around the powers.

Then dont put a rogue like in an MMO this isnt slay the spire

Because experience is subjective to one person.

I am not you.

I dont play the game like you.

Meanwhile you have people tell yourself to go for blabla power.

But that makes my playstyle less fun for me.

I hate meta’s. Roguelikes arnt about meta’s.

Roguelikes are fun games if per usual if you dont have a selecct baseline toolkit behind them annd actually work it outl.

Half if the specs are anima dependant. One better then another. (One makes better DPS overall on common spell) vs siutationial have to prep charges…

Can you make it to the first boss in slay the spire with what you’re just starting with? Most likely not. Rogue-likes are built around the powers.

This is such an ignorant post of yours. This would only be valid if there wasnt progression in it.

Is there a rule that says that MMO can’t run sub modules that if taken out of the game are not MMO?

Well then dont complain that people want it nerfed /shrug

This game isnt a roguelike. It’s an mmo with a roguelike feature. Remove the need to do it and buff it by 2000%

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There’s not need of a rule.

There’s however need of balancing.

There’s however need of implementing it in a fun way.

There’s however need of actually lookking uyp to how its done before hand in FFXIV palace of the death (deep dungean)