Why you kill Torghast?

Nobody has real proof here … But we all know that blizzard has data on everything we do ingame (they said it multiple times) … And its logical to deduce that they use that data for developing the game further.

The argument is about the alleged majority of dislike not whether Blizzard has the data.

Saintaza claims that there is some majority and the proof for it is social media but it’s not credible evidence since data coming from social media is highly skewed.
Basically, he doesn’t have any evidence to prove that there is some “majority” and all he has is an assumption based on bias. Instead of admitting that he can’t prove it he plays dumb and keeps making vague excuses and redirecting argument :man_shrugging:t2:

Considering everyone hated it everywhere, you can make an assumption that yes, there were more people that disliked it then liked it ^^

Exactly, you can make assumptions and assumptions are not facts unless you can prove that what you assumed is a fact and no one did it.

It’s well known for dissatisfied people to voice their complaints more often than for satisfied people to voice their satisfaction so you can’t prove anything by looking at how many people complain on the forum because there might be as well more people who like something but they simply are not commenting on it.

The problem is that people make assumptions which they can’t prove are true but they still use them as if those assumptions were facts when they aren’t.

But it wasn’t just people saying they were dissatisfied, just asking around in the guild or in general, people liked it at start, then the passive mobs spawning and tuning ruined it for them.
I understand where you are coming from but I don’t imagine Blizz caving in that easily unless the backlash was actually really big.

But it wasn’t because of some imaginary “majority”. They simply saw in their internal data that too many people fail given Layers when they shouldn’t so they changed it. Simple as that. Blizz devs admitted that they don’t really do anything by looking at people opinions :rofl:

Besides, there is also a problem of people saying something and then backing it up by invoking some “majority” even tho they can’t prove that this majority exists.
It’s just utter nonsense but no one says anything so those people have free rein to talk crap and behave like they are correct when they aren’t :woman_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2:

Well you are now assuming it the other way with your last statement and fall into the same group you are bashing so maybe take your own advice there ^^

Same with the internal data, how do you know, we are doing some gymnastics here which are completely pointless but since you brought that up where is your data to back it up.

I was talking about people who I know for a fact are wrong but keep invoking “majority” as an excuse to not admit that they are wrong. So I’m not assuming that anyone who says “it’s the majority…” is wrong.

Blizzard devs literally admitted (in some interview) that they are not doing changes by looking at what people say on the general forum. The reasoning was that “feedback” is really bad when it comes to the amount of credible data and constructive criticism.
Besides it’s logical that they would choose hard internal data or even their own educated opinion over a group of people who whine “tower bad, tower boring, tower too long” and don’t provide any substantial pieces of information.


Blizz saying something in an interview does not equal them doing it, and I wasn’t saying it was only general forums, anywhere you looked, in game/reddit/wowhead, people didn’t like what Torghast was becoming.

It seems like you have the same bias you are advocating against. Just because something is logical doesn’t mean it’s the most likely thing to happen.

I am glad they nerfed it. I will be okay if they will put some special layers who really are into torghast. I personally don’t even enjoy it, its like a weekly routine, doesn’t feel rewarding at all, still you have to put decent emount of effort on it. I don’t like dk anoma powers at all too, very poor design, nothing unique.

He can’t prove it, this true. But considering Blizzard nerfed Torgast this much says loads … They wouldn’t do these kind of massive nerfs if they didn’t have significant data that shows that it is 2 hard for a lot of players …

Now it’s literally this:

You think that’s enjoyable gameplay? Very engaging gameplay I must say. It’s island expeditions and warfronts all over again. Content that you can’t even lose in unless you AFK.

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Compare two fundemental different features. And its not like Islands gave instant boos of 500+ DPS.

Good job.

For me it was different. It is not like this. I can’t just 1 shot bosses in matter of seconds.

Wiping on Layer 8 before nerf because it was too long and i didn’t get powers i wanted, used LOS a lot, waited for CD on almost any elite while letting maw rat bite me so assassin won’t spawn and bother me, it was really frustrating … To a point where i thought - i don’t really need this frustration , ill just skip higher layers and get a little less soul ash this week.

However after the Nerf it took me around 30 min for each layer 8. And it was fun not to get tense all the time, and try different abilities … Sweet spot for me

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This is what the nerf turned it into. Content that you can’t lose unless you go AFK.

I am considering this nerf lazy action from blizzard because they couldn’t get some classes powers/balances right, so they just billed out and nerf torghast to the ground.

They really did.

Elites have lower HP than I do and I can get my touch of death to 0 second CD.

Very hard content indeed.

Not true. You CAN die if you pull 2 much.

But i like it like this. Not hard but fun. A place where i can try different specs, builds and craizy abilities.

For those who want more challenges and hardomodes there wi be Endless corridors soon. So i don’t understand why are you so bottled up by this nerf …

How can you try out different builds and craizy abilities while they are dying quickly ? :rofl:

cause we are consider about blizz nerf those lvls too cause people want to get anything easy

How much is too much?

This was before they nerfed the hell out of it btw. Look at me stacking predatory gaze as well on the elite.

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