Yea exactly why would any developer made a balance decision using skewed data from some loud people on the forums when they have hard internal data showing them what is what.
Somehow some people convinced themselves that Blizzard is changing things because of their (mostly) unsubstantial and highly subjective opinions lol
If I remember correctly they said themselves (or maybe it was some dev who left Blizz) that devs don’t care about people opinions on the general forum
You made a claim and you don’t have evidence to prove that your claim is true.
Those are the facts but instead of accepting those facts, you are making various excuses for yourself to not admit that your claim is just your subjective opinion.
I agree did it again on this DH (had done it before nerf) even sh1tty havoc can pull 2-3 elites if you know what a stun is now, bosses hit like wet noodles. As said else where a freshly dinged Ret Pally at ilvl 164 did 1-8+8 without dying, now that is boring… Challenge deleted.
the ONLY reason torghast was “hard” is because of ilvl. get better gear in time and you would clear it in a second, like every other content. at the end of the expansion, every layer would become like layer 1.
I can’t speak for everyone of course, but for me i love these nerfs. By no means were i unable to clear the previous layers, but when it got to layer 6 i hit a wall to the speedrunning strategy, just like many others did.
From layer 1-5 you could complete it in around 15 min by just running through and kill last bosses and get 10 or less powers then kill final boss and be done (provided you had the right class, hunter in my case).
The problem arose once we got layer 6 and a 15 min speedrun was no longer possible in 190 gear, maybe not even in 200 gear, as last boss had way too much HP.
This for me made layer 6 go from a 15 min run to close to an hour cause you suddenly had to explore to get everything just to be able to kill last boss.
This is so called bad difficulty. It’s RNG dependent and it borders on impossible. When it doesn’t matter how good you are, but you’re reliant on RNG to stand a chance, that is bad design, and with the nerfs, it’s back to doable while not relying on RNG.
Though i will say this would have just come with gear and would have been a non issue in 2 weeks. layer 6 and probably pre nerf layer 8 is speedrunable with 213 gear i think, as long as it’s not extra % hp affix.
The thing with the nerfs are, everyone who likes exploring and spend their time like that, can still do so, but those that choose to run through and get it done asap won’t be in impossible situations anymore, but rather just hard situations, which i think is fair.
Before nerf i got to layer 8 and wiped there … It got so frustrating because i just didn’t get the powers and wanted, and it took me hour and a half to get to floor 5 of layer 8 and than die because i lost focus.
I wasn’t looking forward to going back there …
However after the nerf i did both Layers 8. (In 45min i finished both) And it was fun. Trying all sorts of different power combinations.
And now i am looking forward for Torgast next week.
If someone wants more challenge there will be endless corridors soon, and you can go nuts in there there and challenge yourself to the limit.
First of all, I don’t need to because you made the claim therefore the burden of proof is on you to prove that what you said is true.
Secondly, just because I can’t prove negative (which no one even does) it doesn’t mean that what you said is true. You still need to prove that what you said is true.
So stop making excuses and show the evidence which proves that majority of people doesn’t like Torghast
But we aren’t talking about post you quoted, we are talking about other posts and the claim you made in those posts…
Basically, you are making a claim that there is a majority of people that don’t like TH and want a change but you didn’t provide any evidence for that so either prove that what you said is true or stop trolling with stupid excuses
It’s proven. Blizzard had the data, it got nerfed. Now prove it was a different reason. Unless you think it was nerfed cuz it was successful there’s absolutely no other reason.
You’re like a conspiracy theorist. It was nerfed cuz… aliens
All this is true. (Except alien part) It got nerfed because it was not balanced for all classes and specs … Some people had way easier time than others just because of the class they play …
They saw the numbers, and they nerfed it to the point they think is best. (And they will probably keep on tweaking it in the future)
The fact that Blizzard nerfed TH doesn’t prove your claim that there is a majority of people who doesn’t like TH. You literally have no credible data to prove it.