Wildhammer Shaman RP

One good website i can reccomend is Wowpedia: it has alot of infos regarding lore and such: Here are some links about what you need!

Just copy the links and then paste them into your browser. i would post the link normally, but i have lost my Trust Level 3 :slightly_frowning_face:

Also, most people reccomend using RP add-ons. TRP3 and Musician are very Popular add-ons to use for RP.

One of the other most important aspects i suggest is finding a RP guild, it helps alot in both Finding RP and getting Advice from others. Here on the forums you can find the thread for the Dwarven guild:

If you think that they’r guild could fit your character concept you should try joining!

Anyhow! Hope this helps!