Will Blizzard ever balance the factions?

Yes, they are 0.01% advantages and mostly passive racials out of your control.

As a Troll Dps you can combine your haste racial with big cooldowns but as an Alliance player you do that damage randomly. Procs etc.

The racial advantage horde had in the past was alot more. Now Blizzard Just say “See? Alliance racials are better look at that sim 0.01% more damage, faction change to Alliance now!”

Just kidding. They like those faction transfer money and intentionally have been ignoring this problem. It is okay for me though, I like being a part of underdog faction. If they just give us our EMFH racial back in Shadowlands instead of this butchered version of it :kissing_cat:

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People want to play Horde more than Alliance. You can’t force people to play the Faction that they don’t want. Nor is it healthy to put external incentives to make people play a Faction that they don’t want to play.

We go over this every time one of this threads comes up. It’s getting tedious now!

Additionally, just because your favorite faction is the least popular one, that doesn’t mean that everyone should bend over backwards and “remove the Faction Divide” for you. Factions are part of the story and many people enjoy their own Faction.

The issue is with the Alliance. The story, the types of player mostly seen there and for the smallest part the the racials, are the problem.

The Alliance needs fixed. Not the game.


generally the factions are balanced more so now than they ever have been, its more than anyone that sees something that gives a miniscule amount of bonus gets used by everyone and blown out of proportion. for the most part all of the night elves being used in MDI could be replaced by a rogue, but its just slightly easier to use shadowmeld.

unfortunately horde had the massive advantage for too long and everyone started flooding that side of the factions, and when all the top guilds are horde all of the top players go horde which means if you want to recruit you need to be horde as well, thats why more and more of the mythic guilds and even some heroic guilds are moving horde in order to improve. its not something that can be really sorted out, because if they swing too far in the other direction we would just end up with everyone being aliance, and if its not that big of a different in favour of the aliance then there wouldnt be any real reason for people to swap and lose their recruitment pool


Elders Scrolls in another thing and it has nothing to do with Warcraft.

And I am not willing to risk a core feature only based on your assurances and I’m pretty sure Blizzard agrees.


Dude, people who want cross faction play usually don’t care about the lore (at least not when it comes to gameplay).
This argument is so irrelevant.

Not to mention that even when you look at the lore, horde and alliance teaming up has been a thing for a long time now.

It may be something else, but it shows that it can work (the game even started with enforced factions in the begining.)

Blizzard may agree right now, but just like with everything else they do you cannot be a 100% certain that they will keep to their word. Remember that Elves were bound to not have blue eyes? They stated multiple times that elves will not get blue eyes, and then from one day to the other boom, they will be getting blue eyes.

This is not up to Blizz, it’s up to the community. If the Alliance wants to have more players… maybe they should step it up a bit.

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It’s not just lore. This is a founding feature. There’s no way around this and people saying it does not matter are wrong. It does matter. It aways has.

There were attempts that led back to more conflict. And these team ups have had a clear line in the sand between the two factions. I don’t mind playing nice with the other faction when at the end of the day things go back to normal.

It shows no such thing. Not for Warcraft.

Blue eyes? I thought it was Ion who said if someone wanted to play a pale skinned, blonde haired elf they can join the Horde, which is still true.

And Blizzard will never do this unless one faction became so small that it requires the other faction to do basic things. But until then there are other options.


How so?? When there is no available man power, stepping up seems impossible. Unless Alliance guilds are scrapping rp players.

Said core feature is crumbling by itself. This is not fine if a faction dominates the other one and we’re going on that path.

They can’t fix Alliance, neither player base wants doing so.

As a raider, I have incentives going Horde, which I did. Is that healthy I had to go move Horde if I wanted to keep raiding?? No, it’s not.

What can Blizzard do about it?

Alliance were spamming forums that Horde had more serious players due to racials.

Guess who was getting better racials with Allied races?

Did that change anything? NO

Will that change anything? NO

This ship has sailed.

Alliance are good for RP in goldshire or w/e they like.

Hord are the hardcore players faction.

End of Discussion.

The reason why players are jumping to the Horde isn’t that the horde has a better city or transmog. It’s the players, the community that the Horde offers. It is unquestionably superior. The community is the players. If the Alliance wants players to stick around, they have to change, as players. They need to improve the alliance community

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Is it now? Because one faction has always dominated. During different time periods both factions have been on top. In fact the imbalance was much worse for the Horde until the BC expansion.

It sounds a lot to me that people are claiming the faction system is bad or is destroying itself so you can try and sell that no factions dream you fellas have. But it won’t work.

Guess whose fault is this, huh.

it doesnt trigger people. its just a topic thats endlessly been talked into the floor.

Yes in a way they defintly are.

you cant change this.

Blizzard cant change this, you cannot force people to go alliance, without them actually interfering in the way players can play the game. for example when u look through the different Racials.

Monk - Top 3 Racials - Humans, Void Elves, Dwarves.
Hunter - Lightforged Draenei, Human Gnome
Demon hunter - Night elf for both speccs
DK - Lightforged Draenei, human, Blood elf.
Paladin - Lightforged Draenei, Human, Tauren
Priest - Lightforged Draenei, human, Tauren
Rogue - Dwarf, Human, Night elf
Shaman - Dwarf, Tauren, Pandaren
Warlock - Troll, Human, Gnome.
Warrior - Human, Lightforged Draenei, Zandalari Troll.
Druid - highmountain Tauren, Tauren, Worgan.

the Majority of Classes are ALL BiS on Alliance Races, the Racials Argument died a LONG time ago, when they got readjusted, the last time we saw a Massive boost for Horde was Goblin Rocket boost on 1 single fight in a Raid in legion which was Kil’Jaden. however… in most encounters Alliance Racials simply win.

the problem is.

For Alliance to get popularity… someone has to start the move. which no one will because currently the move isnt a Advantage to the starting players. thats just the way it is.

Also it costs money… and the more chars u have the more Costly this move would be for you

People wont move. reguardless to advantage.

End of Discussion ©

In no small part the fault of the people who cry doom every time the Horde gets something nice.

“The Alliance is dead.”, “Blizzard loves the Horde more” and all sort of crap like that.

If you think nobody ever chose red because of the tide of tears that flows on a daily basis over trivialities on the blue side you are very wrong.


I’m cutting the chase here. It’s Blizzard’s fault, obviously. If you they cannot maintain an even balance, then they stop pretending that everything is alright with the game.

We had several pictures, comments and videos in the past which suggest a genuine favoritism towards the Horde, so why is this dismissed? And secondly, why do you reduce every criticism and unfairness to “tears”? How do you expect people to react otherwise, when the community, and to a greater degree you, are so hostile towards towards the other player base?

The problems begins with the developers, not the community. They are the people who steer the game into the direction they desire.


I do agree witht that statement.

That’s why I moved Horde.

Well, as I said before…How do you turn RP player into serious hardcore raider ? That’s what I meant by “scrapping RP player”, because that’s impossible and It’s fine that all players are not interested in raiding.
I do think the shift is impossible to reverse for raiding, sadly.

Factions are not working. Do you think it’s fine that : Alliance = RP, casuals whereas Horde = Hardcore PVE and PVP ??? No, that’s not healthy, that is not fine.

Well, now, it’s just World of Hordecraft. And has been since WoD.

At least, once upon a time, Alliance had Hardcore PvP thanks to EMFH.

There was never balance. At some point one faction outnumbered the other. And if it was Blizzards fault they made up for it.

Several pictures and comments my bum. We had a few people trying to feed to faction pride crap or just talking plain dumb. You people took those and put them on a banner that you pull out every time it’s time to make demands. If I were to single out the times they someone spoke in favor of the Alliance Golden would be out of the job. Certainly the latest expansion would make it obvious who is getting preferential treatment. You on a RP realm, benefits from a buff that’s meant to be given to the Horde, but nothing has been done about that. So please, spare me the unloved child routine.

And yes, tears, many tears. You wanna see how people react? Look at this thread. The Alliance has the racials, drives the story, gets special mounts the other faction can’t get, wins all the battles. Not to mention they already promised Nelfs a bright future cause they cried really hard, but they didn’t even MENTION the forsaken who are in a worse situation. Where are their complaints? Where are their demands for justice? There aren’t many. So that’s what I expect.

In the end, I stand by my words. The Alliance’s biggest problem are certain people in it and you are one of them.

Has nothing to do with:

During the golden age of EMHF the majority of arena teams were Alliance.

Not to mention that the Alliance now has the best racials overall. So what’s holding the players from migrating? Maybe they like it on the Horde side.

Maybe not, but breaking the factions is not only a bad solution to a community problem, but inappropriate given the fact that it has occured before and the game did just fine with fewer options, such as cross realms and server merges.

Oh yeah, pull the Hordecraft card. BFA sure is looking like Blizzard is catering to the Horde. No wait. They aren’t. They are specifically giving the Alliance powerful racials, unique mounts and victories. Give me a break.

And once upon a time the Alliance represented 70% of the whole population. Things change. Deal with it.

You know it’s really staggering to see how you people complain and shout at Blizzard, but I have rarely seen any of you trying to do something within your power to improve the condition of your community.

I don’t think RP players are the problem, but I think the current mechanics worsen the problem. The Alliance is rewarded for being less active in Warmode. Their leveling is currently much, much easier and quicker, which breeds more casual players. It was bad before, and it is only getting worse. I’d say the horde always had more “hardcore” players because on our side back in Vanilla you had to deal with the barrens which was a barren, boring zone. There has always been something the horde has to deal with that the alliance didn’t. Now we have to deal with our leveling taking 30% longer.

I think there’s some issues with the fantasy of both factions - the alliance, presumed good, the players don’t need to “try” to prove themselves. They’re the good guys. Where the horde, being underdogs and evil, are more pushed towards being more competitive either to prove themselves or to kill everyone.