Will Calia teach the Night Elves to forgive?

I will give you a pretty small example:
In WoW story books and game, there are 3 unique characters, 3 gladiator’s, 3 friends - Valeera Sanguinar, Broll Bearmantle and Varian Wrynn.
Varian and Valeera were gifted with unique beautiful models, and unique voice actors.
While Broll did not get anything, and even worse, he got a voice from Warcraft 3…

Why? Maybe because he is the only one who is Night Elf, and Blizzards are Night Elves haters, who do not want to spend any effort on Night Elves development?

Maybe in the same reason Blizzard have fixed all the bugs on Arathi warfront, while ignoring totally all the bugs on Darkshore warfront, for more than a year?
Maybe in the same reason in 8.3. DK got a new eyes glowing, and to make it better they just turn off eyes glowing for all Night Elves, and now ordinary Night Elves look mega ugly, without their glowing which they should have according to Lore?
Maybe in the same reason all the general of all WoW races has beautiful gear models, best in game, while Nigh Elves general Shandris is geared in some random leather, with some kind vampire orbs that are not related to Kaldorei at all?

Are you crying? :}

I think you should take your tinfoil hat off and breath some air outside. Maybe it’s refreshing for your brain cells.


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