Will Calia teach the Night Elves to forgive?

Yes, but the body and the spirit are damaged. You may can heal the soul but you can say goodbye to your body.

Not with night elf paladin with power of moon light heal :slightly_smiling_face:



It reason why undead nelfs will be healed by moon power.

Well we have Blood Elves paladins and taurens paladins, who are actually not paladins at all.
Why priestess of a Elune in armor, that asks the Light Powers from Elune could not be a paladin?


Listen, I don’t mind if you people fantasize about all potential races and faction combinations but I hope you are aware that at one point game would look ridiculous if Blizzard agreed to make those fantasies reality.

Because Nelves do not need paladins. Very simple. They have sentinels which, as I understand it, is a mixture of warrior and hunter. Efficient and unique, what more do you want? :slight_smile:

Atleast your main female characters aren’t human’s lovers (windrunners),human agent (Valeera) or human mind-like (Liadrin)

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It does not look ridiculous right now?

Well, if we will look on game mechanic, on Darkshores Warfront, Night Elves army have 3 type of soldiers (excluding rare druids, mage, wardens and priests):
Hunters - Night Elves cavalry, that use animals help.
Sentinels - just a melee fighters, without any special powers.
Archers - just rangers with bow, also without any special powers (but in the War of the Thorns event, they use some kind of arcane shots).

So, sentinels are just a soldiers of a regular army. But according to lore, Sentinels is organisation that based from a Sisterhood of the Elune. All Sentinels suppose to be a former priestess that study a War mastery.
Almost the same like Paladins. All paladins suppose to be a former human priests that took a gear and a sword…

In other words Sentinels are Elun’s paladins. But only those that were priestess in pasts.
Probably the young generation comes to become a sentinels without any magic knowledge. Because there are a lot of Male sentinels on the front now. Clearly that they came not from sisterhood.

And wardens? They look like paladins.

That was the info I had at the back of my mind and for me - regardless of game mechanics - this is what sentinels are. An elite, special force.

The sorry part being that it’s down to Blizzards’ goon department, aka story department, that racial lore does not have any continuity or at least stays coherent.

Well, Wardens are unique, not ordinary class. They could be an separate class for players.
Wardens are some kind of agile based rogues, that wear plate, and that also has some mystery magic powers, to summon spirits of the dead.

Yep agree. Entire War of the Thorns for me was pretty odd. The Horde made an attack on the Night Elves lands. Who was against them? Sentinels and about ~ 10 druids…
Where was dryads, hippogryph riders, nightsabers, treants, druids, priestess, glaive throwers e.t.c.??? So many friends of the Night Elves were missing. Malfurion have forgotten half of his abilities.
Damn, Horde have burned down Night Elves home with fire. The tree where the biggest part of the strongest world druids are living, that could summon the rain . . . Those Blizzard…


Maybe you shouldn’t play human with pointy ears then.

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I guess you are one of that persons where orange and apple is same fruit because it’s round object.

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No, i am not.

The Forsaken aren’t the one’s doing the raising though it’s the Val’kyr who are the same reason there are Night Elf Death Knights. It never made sense for there to be any restriction on races Sylvanas could potentially make forsaken since based on WotLK if it can die it can be raised into undeath.


We need a completly new writing team.
and a lore reboot of at latest legion,but preferbly from after wc3.

WoW has just ruined alot of characters/places/lore in general ever since start


I’ll make it short because it doesn’t make any sense to argue with the both of you (Elaria) anymore, who even seem a bit psychotic about this topic. I really have the feeling that you and I are getting an aneurysm from the unceasingly mimimimimimimimi
Sorry, I had to do this.


Elune adore friends. my own take is that Tyrande will be driven to seek out the fate of those who died, and to investigate what happened with Elune. I believe the Night Warriors job was to guide the souls of dead elves to “the stars”. She will go to find them. We will find her in Shadowlands and try to help.

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