Hi guys,
I wanted to get a better idea of how many people plan on going on the fresh wotlk servers as it seems most people aren’t too excited about it, which does come as a surprise…
Will it be similar to SoM and have a decreasing player base within a couple of months?
Well, I think it depends on how long it takes before the servers are up. There are new players joining the game every day, excited for Wrath, and they have no option but to roll on the current servers. And remember, these Fresh servers are mainly attractive for new/returning players. Players with lots of investment on current servers probably won’t move. So hopefully the servers will be out sooner rather than later, that’s all I can say.
Exept now they are delaying their desidions of resubbing, waiting for fresh to launch. Meaning remaining progression realm guilds, especially on smaller realms will not receive any new reqruits.
I will Most likely doing fresh, as i bassically have no choice if i want to catch up, there was a couple ‘fresh start’ projects during tbc that i was part of, Dragonfang realm for one.
These died out maybe 3 - 4 months in.
for wrath it may be different since it is done by blizzard themselves rather then players, it is alot more attractive in my opinion. Blizzard will hopefully offer free transfers if the fresh realms fail, Wrath is a much more popular expansion so these servers will have alot more eyes on them atleast.
Returning players are probably more likely to select these realms due to the meta for pugs being quite difficult for especially returning players.
I’m thinking about it. I expect population to fall of heavily after the first two weeks, but hopefully not as bad as SoM. As long as there’s a somewhat healthy population left it’s fine.
I also expect Blizzard to do nothing about botting and gold buying so things will go downhill with time. But it will still be a lot better than the old servers.
The big one for me is the transfers and boosts. Since I don’t trust Blizzard at all anymore I’m going to need them to commit to more then 90 days of not f-ing us over.
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Existing active players playing TBC with a sub that can reply here likely aren’t. If you gauge reddit or twitter reactions - then there is a pool of players interested in fresh. Part of that was vanilla fresh but any fresh will likely do.
I was planning to progress a druid on some good vanilla fresh in the near future if possible, not expecting WoTLK but likely will take it. Depends what Blizzard will do alongside it 
SoM had an end date. Classic WoTLK realms do not - they move forward. Plus not so many people wants to spend more time in MC 
Nope, I don’t want to lose the vanity items I have acquired like Champion of the Naaru title.
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Blizzard will get the hype they need and fix their quarterly reports, but after hype wave riders would be gone in a month or two, and remaining strong players pay for transfers to established progression realm nothing would be able to save fresh from during and as convinience all can be blamed on opened transfers.
By the all means, keep it locked from transfering in and out. This wouldn’t change the nature of seasonal fresh fans who make way too many breaks and can’t even dedicate themselves to leveling least to say raiding.
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Im planning on going fresh, which makes these next few months a weird time. Not that interrested in retail and dont see a reason to lvl/invest time in tbc. Hopefully we’ll have prepatch soon ish (i know it wont be soon, soon)
Pre-patch will be the week of August 10.
Won’t go fresh. I have the Brewfest Rams and the Stranglethorne Fishing Prize I won’t lose.
But if there’ll ever be a transfer TO fresh - then not-so-fresh and there is a low-pop PvE realmI’ll take the (paid even) transfer there.
TBCC realms merging will be August 10. No information of prepatch or Wrath release date yet.
I’m guessing it will be at least 1½-2 months after the server merge, as I would hope Blizzard will want to keep track on how this consolidating of servers pan out first.
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More like 1.5-2 weeks after
If you and your guild are skilled you’re 6/6 and really done with Sunwell. I liked BT but Sunwell has no replayability. You just want the bosses to die in as least attempts so you can get out of there. I like ZA better then Sunwell. Maybe BT = ZA > Karazhan > Gruul/Mag > Sunwell = SSC/TK > MH
Yes. They said that realm ‘consolidation’ would happen with pre-patch.
Or did I misunderstand something? I’ll look if I can find it again
It will be like when classic just came out which was an amazing experience, busy world everywhere, world PvP again, new friends to make while you level, so yes people will be doing fresh and I personally can’t wait. Best part of this game.
I am most sure Wrath will come around mid October 2022 as many merchandise including
World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend by Alex Acks
www.amazon .com/World-Warcraft-Exploring-Azeroth-Northrend/dp/1950366898
are to be released in 18th October.
That is unless of course some new MMO rises up, and Blizzard deside to rush Wrath out, like they rushed TBCC to release aheard of New World that was set to be released in August. And they tried that rush again with SoM to undercut FFIVX expansion in November.
Yea I know players will be bored, if they aren’t already. But guildprogression and ingame activities have nothing to do with the server merges. I would (for this one thing they’ve taken upon themself) expect them to monitor things to pan out the way they hoped it would before releasing pre-patch.
Yea that would seem to fit the timeline of ~2 months.
I think there’s little to monitor if you move 100 people off a dead server into a medium sized server that already works well. What is there to monitor?
I don’t mind them allowing transfers off the servers. If people want to leave after 90 days I see no reason to force them to stay.
It’s transfers to the servers and boosts I have a problem with. We all know the massive downsides and if it’s the only way to keep the servers alive after 90 days then why even bother at that point.