Will servers matter in The War Within?

With cross-realm guilds in The War Within will it matter on what server your character is? Can I make my alts on lower population servers where the name I want is available?

This one has good answers to your questions.
But punyelf might be able to give u better answer as she put a thread in the past about it .

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Yes you should be able to make chars on dead realms and join guilds anywhere

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Glad to hear that. I wanted to create some alts to equip with the Hearthstone event bag but was struggling to find a name I like on Silvermoon.

Will there be any limitations between characters on different realms? Sending mail is one I can think of. But if the characters are on the same account or in a guild they can share items via a bank.

The account wide system will be known as Warbands, in that we have like a shared bank.

We don’t really know any great detail yet but it’s looking promising.

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