Will the Alliance bias ever end?

Only blizzard writers know. Story wise the alliance is their pet faction and get everything they ever wanted if they complain hard enough. I say the alliance community is just the worst of full of egoistic players that relish in schadenfreude wherever the horde gets villain battered for their amusement to watch.

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You already made another troll thread about this topic


Will Erevien’s raving ever end?


Will Faction balance ever be achieved?


Will Erevien’s useless threads ever end?


When the bigger plot happens like neutral content Horde always plays second fiddle and isn’t important at all. When faction war plot happens Blizzard doubles down on showing us as the bad guy. This treatment reeks of a double standard and is the actual core of bias writing in this game.

That’s what I am asking too. Not with Alex Afrasiabi in charge of the story tho.

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Alliance have to win something :stuck_out_tongue: its a Dying faction playerbase wise.


You won the battle of dazar’alor and both warfronts. You can’t win this expansion any harder than that.

We could wipe out an entire playable race, take all of their land and then face zero consequences :thinking:


The consequence is that Sylvanas is gonna die. That’s revenge and Tyrande is gonna take it.

She isn’t going to die, especially not to Tyrande who is likely going to die herself.

The Horde has faced zero concequences. Sylvanas and Nathanos are alive and well and Tyrande is going to die as a price to pay for being able to stand against Nathanos.


At this point i think you want Tyrande to die, no matter how many things point in a different direction. Admit it. You want to feel the pain!


I beg to differ. tyrande is right in her hatred against Sylvanas and won’t be settle until Sylvanas has died. I am quite rooting for Tyrande here.

yeah… but

how many World Firsts has Alliance won in the last 6 years?
how Many progressing ALliance guilds exist compared to horde?

Clearly, All evidence proves… that overall Majority prefer horde, so clearly Multiple factors are Gaining ur faction more traction.

We won the story, but iguess u guys won the peoples hearts :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, I’m a masochist.

In reality though, it’s just thaz blizzard has some fetish for spitting on the Night Elves and it seems like Tyrande will be next in line.

You aren’t. You said Sylvanas did nothing wrong. Again so far everything hints towards some stupid Sylvanas and Nathanos redemption and Tyrande’s death.

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I would trade any day for what the alliance has any day now.


you want a Dying Raid Scene?
a Dying M+ Scene?
a Lack of Guild existance?
a Lack of progression?
Reduced Options gameplay wise?

at the end of the day, the Horde generally have the more interesting characters to spin off as Villians/Corrupt/Civil Wars. even the Orginal Descriptions of the two factions proved this.

the Alliance, a United Front of people who stand Together within their castle
the Horde, a Collection of Outsiders with Similar goals.

I mean its so obvious from a Race point of few the Horde arent as connected realistically.

People can sit here and be envious of one another for things each factions have… but theres Equally been enough Horde bias in many areas of the game which have caused Several problems for the alliance players.

Alot of alliance players are forced to reroll horde for hopes at mythic raiding and more. Horde dont suffer the similar problems.


Being the hero who is always painted as being in the right sounds like paradise to me compared to the writing the horde received as of late. Really after Teldrassil it can’t get much worse as it already is.

Well… that was short-lived…

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U think Anduin has More reason to do Something bad then Slyvanus? Lol… are u sane?.. Anduins been Hugely into “LETS BE FRIENDS” since the very existance of him.

even Varian Addresses how much anduin pushs for peace during the legion opening cinematic.

Its a Simple case of realistically Anduin ISNT Bad in the slightest, Hes Purely good… and wants to end all wars.

how can u honestly feel like Slyvanus, whos countless times caused horde deaths with use of plague… Gone against Other races in the hordes wishs and Outright lied to the leadership of the horde several times. be the Hero

Against Anduin whos never stepped ouit of Line and a huge advocate for World peace among horde and alliance?