Will the Alliance bias ever end?

They turned Sylvanas into a villain caricature that is supposed to make the alliance feel better about themselves. Pure alliance bias in action here.

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Slyvanus’s Opening lines in vanilla was

“horde are a means to a End
 to become more powerful”
 NGL, shes never realistically been honest or Good
 she werent turned into anything
 She was Bad from the start
 she never desired to Be Attached the horde
 and she hinted early on she didnt wanna stay with the horde
 and she did have a end goal that wasnt inline with the hordes.

Garrosh i could agree with being a Murder of a good character for the sake of a Villian. but Sorry slyvanus has never really been a Good character.

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Doesn’t mean the character should be progressed into a sue villain from 80s cartoons would be a good character development. There is always potential for more no matter the character in question. Its wasted potential.

Cairne, Vol’jin, Sylvanas, garrosh. Horde always loses character potential and it doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.

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well Yes
 but as i said the differtent factions win at different things which techniqually makes it fair.

The factions arent gonna give you everything u want, merely what matters most to you.

We all scream about PvE Progression etc etc lacking in the alliance
 but we Dont all scream about the fact RP and more is hugely higher popularity among the alliance.

because 9/10s people only complain about faction problems, when the benefits concerning their faction arent what they were looking for to begin with.

horde have high Popularity
 higher Options to the playerbase concerning PvE Progression. and has Held a Bias in most eyes when it comes to balancing.

Alliance have Low popularity, with high RP Popularity, with Low Progression and a Lack of Guilds trying to progress to give the alliance players Opportunities in progression. with in some peoples eyes better story and Less Character murdering.

both factions have their Pros and Cons.

If blizzard fix hordes Problems
 and dont fix alliance problems
 we’ll see the whole situation get even worse

I believe the Horde got hit very hard story wise. That also translated to a lot of players switching Alliance because they are sick of drama. It can be exhausting, really. It seems though as things are about to change.

People want a closer approach to the Classic feel of the Horde. This new council has potential, perhaps there’s still hope.

I don’t know if I call it Alliance bias here, I mean they got hit hard this expansion. Being the passive punchbag is just as harmful as being aggressive warmongers. No side got out of this happy and if that was Blizzard’s purpose, they nailed it.

All of the important nightelf characters are unharmed. They will reocver quickly with their extra Tyrande story in shadowlands. But the Horde will never recover since Blizzard has taken away everything from us and laughed about it while spitting in our faces.

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Right, but you can’t deny they’ve been made to look like useless fools the whole expansion. Sure, in theory they won the war, but I see very low levels of satisfaction among Alliance players overall.

Being the goodie goodies wasn’t what people wanted. I’m sure they would have traded a major character or two for a proper revenge on Teldrassil.

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They can still be useful for the plot as long as they 're alive. Can’t do that if you are dead case of Saurfang, or villain batted into oblivon, case of Sylvanas.

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The problem I see with the Horde leaders being obliterated is that they didn’t have proper successors. They left a huge gap behind them that will need years of development to properly fill again.

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Will WoW’s lore ever be good?

Will Tauren ever be relevant ? ;O


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Ahh look it’s the lunatic BE/Vulpera hybrid again frothing at the mouth,fun times :joy: :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

Sounds to me like you should just change your main to alliance, you clearly don’t care about raiding, m+ or pvp

I mean this is the Story Forum,how many here care more about Raiding/M+ or PVP gameplay than the state of the lore :man_shrugging: We all do those things of course but only a tiny percentage of wow players go for world 1sts and Realm best times in Mythics or 2400+ pvp season etc

Ohh I actually didn’t notice xD

In that case I counter with the horde leaders actually having the best and most fleshed out background stories

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:joy: touché although you may have some posters coming for you with that remark :grinning:

Ik Varian got a lot but it pales compared to the amount that the past and present horde leaders have collectively. And all the other alliance leaders barely have anything

Jaina has one of the best stories in game though, especially in BFA.

Ok so that makes 2 alliance leaders with background/current stories. And while talking current stories, the alliance side is very slow on that front, while horde is basically on speed

Actually in the book both sides are very dynamic. Can’t speak for Shadowlands yet but things are looking up for the Alliance in that matter.