Will the Alliance bias ever end?

Well that’s the book now I’m adding ingame story development on top of that

From what I heard in game the Horde will be extremely passive, at least at the start of the expansion. I guess it will be mostly tagging along Alliance. The story seems to be centered around Alliance much more, or so they say.

So basically yay alliance takes the lead for story development for once

Pretty much and I’m relieved honestly. Horde needs a break from “spotlight”. It never brings anything good for us.

What are you talking about? The only horde leader left with a really fleshed out backstory is Thrall. All others are dead…
And even before that most novels have Alliance-Leaders as protagonists and flesh out their characters.

Tyrande, Malfurion, Anduin, Genn, Turalyon, Alleria and Velen have all big parts in novels of the past.
Tyrande and Malfurion have i think the most fleshed out backstory of them all, intertwined with the history of the planet for 10000 years and tied to the backstory of hero and former villain Illidan…
Anduin is the posterboy of the game, forced into every story.
And so on.
Saying that the horde has more fleshed out leaders is really, really ignorant of the state of the horde.


I guess I stand corrected, but it doesn’t change that I find the alliance lore extremely bland, dry and predictable therefor not really memorable. Whereas horde lore keep mixing things up, keeping it exciting

The new novel gives me hope that the roles may be reversed for a time.
I think nobody in their right mind could want the “Horde-kind” of exciting, because everytime blizzart thought it was a good idea to make the horde exciting, the way they did it was to force the horde to be genocidal maniacs, followed by killing off or otherwise getting rid of formerly liked characters.
Even when the Horde doesn’t do exciting, like at the broken shore, they decide it’s a good idea to kill our warchiefs.
Just think of it, while the Alliance is at their second faction leader in WoW , the Horde has had 4, of wich 2 are (or will be) raid bosses for everyone to kill.
Imagine instead of a heroic self sacrifice Varian would have alienated the dwarves and nightelves, tried to assassinate Tyrande, nuked ratchet, and tried to use the heart of an old god.
And after being beaten by a combined efford of Horde and Alliance fled to an Alternate timeline to use an alternate evil version of Anduin Lothar, Daelin Proudmore, Garithos and (not-LK) Arthas to conquer our Azeroth…

Somehow after writing this i think for some people here this sounds like a wet dream…


Unsure to here realistically, the Night elves Wont get their home back any time soon :P, and Tyrandes “Story” is about her Death… and Telling us to abandon her for our own good as she cant survive the Ritual shes taken on lol… so if u mean the Point where a Night elf shouts at us to forget her, i guess so?

as far as im concerned i dont really understand how you havent really recovered :P. apart from the forsaken… you’ve re-established a Leadership… and all ur cities outside of Undercity are fine.

your personal opinon is fine, i mean if u want to be the Pure hearted then yeah sure you Lost out this expansion… but u cant have 2 Pure hearted Factions… and if they reverse the situation they betray the Fanbase.

you cant Suddenly change the Agendas of the factions AFTER people have Made their choices, your litterally Undoing a Meaningful choice in itself by doing this… people have grown attached to their factions for multiple reasons… some People LIKE to play the “Evil Races”. and horde serve that purpose

it just sounds like u decided to roll the wrong faction tbh.

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Such little knowledge of what the Horde actually stands for. To say that the Horde serves as the “evil faction” is ignorant and superficial.

The Horde was founded on ideals of justice and honor, not mercilessly slaughtering of innocents.

You are blaming the faction and it’s players for the decisions of Blizzard, right now the Horde is whatever they want it to be. The way the Horde players are being abused for a story they had no hand in writing is truly disappointing. I think you need to play this game less if it makes you that cynical and miserable.

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So… join the Alliance?

Let the Light flow through you. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down and your journey towards the Blue side will be complete!

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I play both factions actually. But in my heart I will always root for the Horde. You get a like for that Star Wars reference though :smiley:

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Wow… i quotationed “Evil races” For a Reason.

Its Easier to RP a Evil character as a Slyvanus Loyalist, or a Undead which throughout the story have several times shown themselves to be more Sinister, then it would be to Try a RP a Evil character as a human Warrior. why?.. because theres More plots within the horde against azeroth.

Evil is a Concept realistically, One person can see a Act as being Evil while another can Say no its not evil, What slyvanus is doing currently, is Seen as Evil. Reguardless if it gets proven to be justified later on, to the Player standing in a RP World. shes currently seen to be evil.

Which means Her loyalists are also to be seen as Evil currently.

Which means currently the Horde have the ONLY option to take the “Seen to be evil” Route in the game. as a Alliance player CANNOT opt to Side with slyvanus.

Ur clearly a Warrior at heart… as u Heroic leaped straight into a Conclusion Lawl.

And arguign their “for honor and Justice” isnt realistically true, the Orginal Text behind the horde was a Outsiders. Yes there are Horde Members who take Honor very seriously.

but at what point did u ever See the Undead or blood elves Screaming for honor. let alone the Nightborne or vulpera?.. the Races among the horde are FAR more different then the alliance hence why their build up is generally more exciting… because they dont all share the same views on everything.

the horde arent Evil as a Whole no, the faction doesnt represent Evil. Its a Simple case we’ve seen more Horde “Heroes” turn evil. and the Factrion has stronger ties in a RP fashion to be more evil.

and no ones attacking horde players if they’re evil or not? Lol, thje only faction crap i read, is about imbalances… or “FOR SLYVANUS” posts.

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I guess I was hasty there, my apologies, but you need to understand the frustration I get when I hear “if you wanna play the good faction roll Alliance”.

The only race that you could pass as evil right now are the Forsaken and even some of them are good - see the case of the Apothecary in the latest novel. So “evil races” is a stretch in my opinion. Alliance has their fair share of evil but you don’t blame the whole race for those few. The only difference is our few evil were, well, big baddies.

A lot of people joined the loyalist questline out of frustration and as a protest. They didn’t want another civil war. If they were going down as criminals they wanted to go for it until the end. There’s no satisfaction in sacking your own leaders, even if it proves necessary. There’s the loyalists who actually wanted to side with Sylvanas, for various other reasons, but we do not represent the Horde in any shape or form.

And while the original theme was Outsiders it was also bound by honor and justice, for the most part. There’s been shady stuff in both the Alliance and the Horde but that’s to be expected. Thrall’s Horde was never meant to be evil.

So no, I don’t think people pick Horde to be evil, but because reasons like the races look cool, they like the fantasy of it or other personal reasons. Very few like to be evil.

Meh, I will think about it later, okay?

Originally not really.
Tauren, Trolls and Orcs have many similarities in culture and mentality, and the forsaken stood out.
The same should have been the case for the alliance, with Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes being similar but with distinct differences, while nightelves should have been savage, brutal, isolationist and closer in their traits to the “wilder” horde.
But blizzard decided to forget these parts of Nightelf-culture, and instead went the “wise, nice guy, tree hugger” route, and straightened out all the differences to make them compatible with the rest of the alliance…

I stand by the oppinion that, instead of forcing a simmering Nightelf-Horde conflict for timber it would have been a better choice for the story, and identity of the original races, to give the Nightelves to the Horde, and Forsaken (on a way to reclaim their humanity) to the Alliance.


well tbh, by thje looks of it Undead are getting butchered to make them look purely good in the new “Lore” assoisated with them as “GUardians of the living” :expressionless:

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I hope Calia dies before she can deal damage to the Forsaken image.

It seems in the new book eventually Calia is actually more warmongering than one would think, actually, even more aggressive than Lilian Voss or Lor’themar and more similar to Talanji. So Calia could be ok with resettling in Undercity after it’s cleansed and the Forsaken defending their territories in Lordaeron with force and maybe even another war against Stromgarde and the Alliance. So I guess Blizzard do not really want to give Calia an Alliance holier-than-thou attitude if she becomes the real Forsaken leader (not just the advisor of Lillian Voss) in the future, so you might like her more actually.

Also Derek Proudmoore is 100% Horde and a Forsaken member now. Blizzard probably wants Calia and Derek to become a couple like Sylvanas and Nathanos were before them. Either that, or they want to mirror the relationship between Arthas and Jaina (a Menethil-Proudmoore couple ruling Lordaeron again, just with reversed genders)

He isn’t.

She has done nothing to deserve my respect so far.

I call that having very bad taste.

They have to keep the alliance bias, as the story developers are not the original story developers on one hand and on the other had, literally no one is playing allinace nowadays. Probably more people play classic as alliance as in retail BFA.
Look at pve look at pvp. They can’t stop being alliance can do no wrong, everything fits the alliance narrative at the end, because that probably keep the microscopic allinace community playing. It’s not easy being a minority.

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