Will the Alliance bias ever end?

Its not alliance Bias, Just because they’re tried this whole “Good v Bad” conceptuality to their latest expansions isnt a Bias, they’ve just picked which faction to push into different narratives.

On this Concept u could proclaim “Jedi Bias, because Siths are always Evil” or something other. its not a Bias, its Simply One Faction has to do something and horde was the one they chose to do that with.

story will never fix the faction popularity… the Ease of Play in groups and raids are what players Realistically look at. theres a reason why u see a thousand posts on “What server should i choose”. people want popularity.

I dont think realistically it does :stuck_out_tongue: given how many alliance players Solely concentrate on the popularity difference…

the Alliance who care go horde. those that dont stay alliance.

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Lol you’re comparing Jedi and Sith with Alliance and Horde lmao.

How are they the same?

The Horde is an Alliance of convenience where every race has it’s own agenda and priorities. Not everyone works towards the same goal, not everyone shares the same ideas and they’re not driven by the same motivations.

Horde is not evil, I said it many times and I will keep repeating that. Whoever states that the Horde is evil is really superficial and doesn’t know anything about it.

Alliance did a lot of messed up things too and in no way are they the good faction. You can clearly see the good apples from the bad in every faction.


Alliance gets away with everything. That’s clearly bias.

I’m just going to leave these here:

Posted in chronological order, all videos are timestamped for quick viewing.

The lower you go, the higher the Alliance frustration goes.

I think the “Horde bias/Alliance bias” arguments are some of the most pointless you could have when discussing Warcraft’s story. The truth is that every time Blizzard approaches the faction conflict topic, everyone ends up being dissatisfied, both sides are written terribly because Blizzard is unable and unwilling to properly address this plot.

Our point of contention shouldn’t be between who has it worse: nobody is getting a resolution.

The only bias here is towards milking the franchise.


You do realize Erevien is a troll and you’re all just feeding his need for attention, right? Nothing that comes out of him/her/it has any realistic value.


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