Will WoW be more inclusive?

I mean like will be finally get thin Kultiran/Human models? Will we get soem LGBTQ+ representation? I want and many people want to escape into a fantasy world of inclusion and I feel like WoW is behind in this sense. Even being petty about Kultirans not having a shor hair female option. When will WoW include all shapes, sizes and ethnicities? I get that this is a game, but people need to be respresented in the story and it needs to better reflect real people.


Hello weekend my old friend


As a gay man I don’t feel unrepresented
 but, that’s mainly because I don’t feel the need to wonder what sexuality any of the NPCs are. I get that for some people positive role models are important, but as a game where on the whim of a writer some random person can turn evil and be the next big bad, I’m more focussed on who to kill.

When it comes to models though, I see no reason not to have whatever combination you like, it doesn’t make any difference to anyone else and may be important to some people.

I don’t know if a fantasy game ever needs to reflect real people, but when it comes to player choice I agree in more of it.

Ultimately though it’s the players who reflect the diversity in the game and they should be given the choice on how to do that. Let’s not rely on a fantasy world’s characters to do that for us.


If you’ve missed like, all the Shadowlands news, well, I won’t recap it but it’s an improvement.

Tbh, I think Blood Elves (male) are a good representation of those with ambiguous personal traits. No need to label anything further than what they already are - open to interpretation, that is. <3


I’ll have you know there is nothing ambiguous about how fabulous I am.


I feel like blizz is out of touch with the real world and wants to dumb down What it is about to be human and exist. Blizzard numbs it down to black/white, female/male when the real world presents so much more

It’s a game.


Last time I checked a male character can wear the same transmorgs as a female character etc? Minus the default bikini etc.

As for male and female natural traits, Even transgender people would agree they exist.

Correct me if I’m wrong, transgender people feel they where born with the wrong body, Not that a male body doesn’t exist? and there is plenty of customisation with transmorg etc to be more feminine?

Sorry but that is you if you think inclusivity in a video game is the most important thing to care about, it is a game.
You can have your character be what you want it to be in your head.


Games should do away with genders in a character creator but it’s a 15 year old game and character creation is outdated in more ways than one.

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In terms of “sizes” of player models, it would require a tremendous amount of work to make it functional that it simply isn’t worth the investment of man hours. It’s a similar story for non-binary genders, it simply isn’t practical to design everything the game requires around a fluid spectrum.

As for LGBT, in Shadowlands you can change your gender at the barber and you are, of course, able to claim “my male night elf is attracted to other males”. There’s very little obvious mentions of sexualities in WoW aside from Arthas/Jaina/Kael and Tyrande/Malf/Illidan love triangles, but even then there’s nothing specifically claiming that all those characters are strictly-straight.

I also believe there’s a character in the Kyrian storyline who is transgender? I remember glancing at a WoWhead article that, unsurprisingly and sadly, had it’s comments pretty much immediately locked due to transphobia.

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Here we go with opinions as facts again, No they shouldn’t do away with gender, Gender is a thing. Pretending it’s not a real thing because you don’t like it doesn’t make it true.

You can’t pretend male and female traits aren’t real because of transgender people exist. That make’s zero sense but most of your biased opinions across the forums are the same.

And no before someone get’s all offended, I do believe transgender people actually feel they are born in the wrong body, and I feel for them but doesn’t take away male and female bodies have differences.

Do you even stop and think about what you’re saying at all? If it made no difference, Then why do you think transgender people get operations and use Hormone therapy? Even transgender accept this, except you it seems? If what you where saying is true the term “transgender” wouldn’t exist in the first place?


You kidding me? Blood Elf males are jacked! They look more like a human who is ripped to hell and probably an Olympian athlete than the human male does (which is ironic)

But yeah, I agree with the rest, everyone is -assuming- the sexuality of the NPC’s, There are very few NPC’s whose sexuality is confirmed, the most recent being Thalyssra and Lor’themar, Who knows, Mekkatorque could be into dudes, or Rok’han could be (Though I think him and Talanji are the next ‘power couple’ to come about in lore). Even the married ones might be Bi, we don’t know

That stuff pops up constantly even in newer games or movies. Like the “female” druid in Solo, or EDI in Mass Effect.

Kind of funny Baltic keeps replying to my posts even though I will never see the replies.


Its meant to be a PG13 Game, they’re not compelled with such a age rating to cater to the likes of yourself, you should appreciate and take what you get when they’ve already catered to the fans on a multitude of occasions, so its going to generally being exposed to the likes of children who are 12/13.

I don’t know why you feel the need to push your own agenda into a fantasy game of all things, but you’re clearly being oblivious to whats been going on in the game and coming in SL if you think the lack of racial ethnicity is a problem and the likes of it. I don’t play wow to have a game reflect real life problems, hence why its a fantasy setting and most importantly a video game, its a nice nod to some people when they do cater to them, but lets just keep it as a nice nod to acknowledge their existence and not have the game take any further stances than that mkay.


Funny how you’re clearly reading them as you have replied with this.

As I said in another thread, You’re posting on a public forum, I’ll reply to your posts If I want to, If you feel they are against the rules, Report them. It’s not the Janiah opinion show. Going around the forums like you own the place.

You can’t have a debate about the nonsense you spew everywhere so you choose to pretend to not read what I’m saying, Kind of funny.

Also nobody on the forums cares about your ignore list, Stop mentioning it in every thread. Ignore people and stop going on about it if you want to. Attention seeking.


While obviously I support more inclusion, I don’t feel the goal of escapism should be “bring the real world into the game”. Kul Tirans should stay fat. There’s skinny options - elves. I like races having distinct silhouettes, each race having only one body type.

I hope the OP is a troll, because otherwise the sense of irony can’t escape me. “I want to escape this world, but I still want to be myself”
 then you aren’t escaping properly, mate. There’s a reason why in WoW I am a 2 meters tall beefcake with arms that can crush rocks.

WoW is the MMO with the most diversity among its races. Most other games go for reusing rigs, but not WoW. I was rather surprised when I saw undead warrior has different skill animations from an orc warrior.

Your argument would be much stronger if you didn’t root it in “escape from the real world” and then didn’t go on to complain that Blizz doesn’t mimic the real world.


There are lots of new customization options being added to the game, wich is quite old and probably needs extra work to get things like different physiques implemented.
I think sexual orientation of Npcs is irrelevant as it doesn’t add anything to the gameplay itself, neither does moves forward the story.
Also the character creation screen features two genders mostly because human species have two genders (this is basic biology) and so do the humanoid characters featuring wow.

In my opinion there are things to improve on the game: the state of PvP, the power creep from tier to tier, the redundant systems and borrowed power, balancing of classes, etc.

What you are proposing as an improvement to the game is really a petition to put an ideology (a way of seeing the world) that may or may not be shared by other players into the game, there is no need to inflict your world views into other players, thank you very much.

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