Will WoW be more inclusive?

I suspect Tracer happened before Soldier. I lost interest in Overwatch rather quickly and only bought it in the first place because a friend basically annoyed me until i bought it.


Whatever floats your boat. I will not much care about it personally unless its actually good and fitting, but i doubt it.

Oh that actually exists. The problem is rather that its still being the case that the woman is favoured over the man in most cases because of a mindset that makes people believe Mothers have automatically a better bond to their child than their father (even if that is often the case it doesnt apply all the time automatically). In my case my father should have won, but alas i was basically tricked as a child since it was my responses to my father in the first place that he intended to get custody of me and i didnt consider that (i was 6 or 7 perhaps) when i was asked if i want to be seperated from my mother. But from all logic and safety etc etc my father should have won.

Ye im not saying anything here as i would most certainly risk a permanent bann if i start to talk about middle eastern countries

The ones that dont wish to explore the reason’s are part of the bad eggs to begin with

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